Unplanned Events

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Taehyung was peeking through the door, watching Jin and Suga, who were preparing dinner for the pack and the two guests (Tae & Jungkook) in the small kitchen. The moment Jin turned to pick up onions from the nearby table, his wolf eyes met with Tae's big ones and Tae was rewarded with a couple of flirty winks from the handsome Alpha. Tae at one turned red like the tomato that Jin was holding in his hand and thus, hid behind the door out of embarrassment, which made Jin to chuckle.

"What happened, V Hyung?" asked Jungkook. "No, I was just checking if they are mixing something in the food...like drugs ..or toxic substances ...or heat triggering pills....who knows," Tae replied in a tensed tone. "Trust me, they don't seem THAT bad...let me just help them out," Jungkook tried to calm the tensed Taetae down and went straight into the small kitchen to help Jin and Suga out with cooking. The three of them were soon joined by Jhope and Jimin, who began chatting with Jungkook in the kitchen. Tae began peeking through the door again, trying to judge Jimin and Jhope. Jimin flashed an angelic smile to Tae when he saw the confused Omega standing at the door and signalled him to join them. "Hey, why are you standing there? Please join us here. Let's talk," Jimin offered.

After a bit of hesitation, Tae walked into the small kitchen and stood beside Jimin. Soon, dinner was ready and the seven of them sat outside around the fireplace and ate their dinner. 'So, this flirty Alpha is a good cook it seems' Tae thought in his mind as he too was enjoying the well prepared dinner in the middle of a lonely village.
It was bedtime now and Jungkook did not find it problematic to share a room with RM, Jhope and Jin. They chatted about food, music and stuffs before they all fell asleep.

On the other hand, in the other room, Suga, the Cat🐱, was already sleeping soundly. Jimin laid between Suga & Tae. He turned towards Tae and began chatting with him in a whispered tone. "Hey! You are comfortable, right?" Jimin whisper-asked Tae. "Umm...yeah!" Tae whispered back. "Have you experienced Heat yet?" Jimin whispered. "...No...not yet...what about you?" Tae whispered back. "I too haven't experienced it yet .....Suga Hyung has....," Jimin pointed towards the sleeping Sugar Kitty, Suga. "Oh, okay.....," Tae whispered and then a thought immediately came to his mind. 'Who is Suga Ssii's mate then...has he been mated? What if ...that flirty Alpha is actually Suga Ssii's mate? I mean....I actually saw them enjoying cooking together..' Tae got curious and so, he adjusted his throat and whisper-asked Jimin.

"Jimin Ssii...would you mind if I ask you something?...has Suga Ssii been mated?" asked Tae. "Well....he hasn't mated anyone yet, but...how should I put it... RM Hyung and sometimes Jhope Hyung helps him out during his heat, you know," Jimin tried to explain. Tae could not help but blush after hearing that.

'So,...what if Jimin Ssii and Jin Ssii are....I can't even ask him about this,' Tae had to bury his curiousity this time. Soon, they too fell asleep.
[Next Morning]

Suga was sitting quietly on a bench near Jungkook's to-be-repaired car. "What happened, Suga? Are you okay?" asked Jhope, the beta, as he saw Suga getting more tensed by each passing second. "Where is RM?" Suga asked. "He has gone to the nearby town to buy the required parts, what happened? You don't seem ok!" JHope cupped Suga's cheeks as he could feel the latter's being not okay. "I-I think my heat is approaching," Suga replied.
Taehyung woke up and rubbed his eyes. He saw Jungkook and Jimin standing outside of the room. "V Hyung, as we would be leaving today as soon as our car gets repaired, how about I look around a bit and take pictures? Jimin Ssii has volunteered to come with me as a guide," said Jungkook. Tae shared a glance with Jimin and then gave his permission. "If repairment takes time, I am planning to go to the meeting point of the Purple Village and Mikrocosmos Village by today itself. So, be sure to return on time," replied Taehyung, before heading towards the nearby pool to take a bath.

Jungkook took his DSLR camera and his backpack with him and left happily with Jimin tagging along with him.
Tae walked towards the nearby pond surrounded by Purple Flowers to take a bath. "Who's clothes are these? I don't see anyone around here? Anyways, it looks like someone has left their clothes here," Tae uttered to himself as he spotted some clothes at the bank but could not find anyone nearby. He took off his clothes and left them at the bank before stepping into the pond naked. Soon he got completely mesmerized by a strong floral smell that he was sensing while relaxing in the pond. Before he could react to that sensual smell getting stronger by each passing second, he felt someone grabbing his butt underwater. "Aaaaahhhh! Help Me!!!" Tae screamed and he almost got a heart attack when a naked Jin came up from underwater with a splash and covered his mouth with his palm, stopping him from screaming further. "Ssshh! Hey, I did not know that you were bathing here!" Jin tried to explain. "You Pervert! Why did you grab my butt like that??" Tae bit upon Jin's fingers to make the Alpha remove his palm from the said Omega's mouth and asked him furiously. "Ah! You are so naive. You really don't understand it seems....so, you don't even realise what you just did to me?" Jin was looking for some confirmation to check whether Tae even realised that he just released strong pre-heat pheromones in reaction to Jin's pre-rut pheromones. "Stay away from me, you pervert! Oh My God! I can't believe how shameless you are!" Tae got furious and so, slowly went towards the bank covering his body with his arms. He could feel Jin's stare upon his body so, he made sure to turn and glare at Jin as he was hesitating to get out of the pond butt naked with Jin staring right at him. Jin at once withdrew his stare and looked at the other side like a "gentle Alpha" to give some time to the furious omega to get out of the pool and wear clothes after drying up with a towel.

As soon as Tae was done wearing his clothes, he at once ran back towards the Car Wash Centre, without even looking back at Jin, who was still in the pool. Jin sighed heavily as he could still smell Tae's sweet strawberry-rose smell in the pond. "Oh my Pretty Omega! You are making things very difficult for me," Jin uttered huskily as he tried to regain his control and come out of the pond.


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