Omegas in Heat

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"Jiminah! Where are you? Taehyung Ssii was waiting for Jungkook Ssii and you for quite long, before he decided to go to  the meeting point of the two villages alone. Jin tried to stop him, but he didn't listen to him," said RM over phone call.

"RM's me. Jungkook...Jimin Ssii- he- he is very unwell...he is in heat...," Jungkook replied in an anxious tone. RM at once got worried. He could clearly hear Jimin's painful screams and moans. "J-Jungkook Ssii! Jiminah is with you, right? Is he ok? Please look after him. Where are you guys right now??" RM asked in a desperate tone, worrying Jin in the process, as he could only hear one-sided conversation. "We are at Mikrocosmos Village right was all my mistake...I got nervous upon seeing Jimin Ssii's condition....we got up on a mini truck which brought us here to this village as I subconsciously said "Mikrocosmos Village's Car Wash Centre instead of Purple Village's"...I am extremely sorry...also, I tried to contact Taehyung Hyung but it seems that the network over here is very poor..please tell him not to worry about us..take care of him," Jungkook almost cried out of nervousness, while Jimin, the Omega in heat, was now biting his ear. "That's okay, don't worry. I am on my way to pick you guys up! Please keep him safe till the time I arrive," RM cut the call and palmed his own forehead out of anxiety. Jin was still confused. "What happened to Jimin? Jungkook Ssii & him ain't returning now?" asked Jin. "Jimin is in heat. Jungkook Ssii is with him. They are at Mikrocosmos Village right now...I need to go there now and rescue them! His ain't fully repaired yet!!! What should I do now!!" RM got worried.

"Jin, plz mend to the repairment! I am taking the tranquilizing potion with me," RM rushed towards their home and collected the potion from the kitchen. He could clearly hear Suga & Jhope's moans coming from the Omega's room but he was too busy and worried to react.

He rushed towards his bicycle. "What about Taehyung Ssii??? He too could be in danger!" said Jin. "Just do as you please...," saying this, RM paddled off.

"Wait! How would Jungkook Ssii & Jimin sit on your bicycle from Mikrocosmos Village to here??And...wouldn't it take long hours for you to reach there???...." Jin spoke to no one as RM already went far off with his bicycle.

"Taehyung Ssii too must be in pain right now...I need to hurry up and fix the car so that I can take the car with me to go and look for him...," uttered Jin, as he resumed his work.

Soon he was done fixing it. He took essential stuffs with him and looked for another tranquilizing potion in the kitchen. But there wasn't any more of it. "Shit!...It can't be helped, I need to get going. Taehyung Ssii might be in danger," Jin drove off from there.
[At the meeting point of the Purple Village and the Mikrocosmos Village]

Tae's eyes admired the beauty of the spot. He at once took out his camera and clicked some photos it. He ran towards the natural garden of Star Flower Plants. "Oh My God!! These are So Pretty! Grandma would LOVE IT!" Tae plucked a good number of Star Flowers and dropped those inside a jar of water containing preservative chemicals in it. All of a sudden, his body started feeling burning sensations, and his knees totally dropped to the ground. Heat rushed up through his veins and a sudden uneasiness followed by pain took over his whole body. The pheromones from his scent glands were quick and strong enough to attract a considerable number of Alphas lurking around there.
[At the Mikrocosmos Village]

It was already dark now. Jungkook tied Jimin's mouth, hands  and legs with some ropes that he could come across on their way up to the peak. He carried the protesting Jimin on his arms and climbed up the peak of the village as the few people he came across on their way informed him that there's a lodging place at the top of the hill. "RM Ssii said that he is coming here to pick us up. If we take a room up there, Jimin would get his rest in there and I can just go out and watch the legendary Mikrocosmos Village's starry night and take pictures of it," Jungkook uttered, amidst of Jimin's "hmmpff hmmphff" protests (coz poor Jiminah was all tied up), trying to see the bright-side of the current situation.

Soon they reached the peak. Jungkook could see few small houses wherein only lamps and no lights were being used.

He almost got startled when an old woman came face to face with him. "These small houses are the guest rooms. I am the keeper here. Tell me, how can I help you two?" the old woman spoke in a monotonous tone. "W-we we need a room to stay here..for the night ..he is unwell...he is in heat," said Jungkook, as he noticed the old woman constantly looking at the struggling Omega on his arms. "Is he your Omega??? We only allow couples to stay in these guest rooms. We don't allow illegal sexual activities here," informed the old woman. "Y-yes...he is my Omega...I-I am his Alpha...," Jungkook replied hesitatingly. "Then why is he tied up like this?" she asked. "Ahm...umm..h-he his heat started all of a sudden...he wanted me to take him then and there in front of people that we came across, on our way up I had to tie him up to calm him see, we were staying at the Purple Village. W-we wanted to come here to enjoy the night starry view here and take some amazing photos. I had no idea that he was approaching his heat....," Jungkook tried to explain. "Purple Village??? is your key...take care of your Omega. I can sense that it's his first heat...remove his ropes...," the old woman got worried for Jimin.

Jungkook unlocked the door of a small Hut and placed Jimin on top of the small wooden bed inside the hut and slowly removed the ropes. Jimin at once threw himself upon Jungkook's arms and began kissing the younger boy roughly. Jungkook didn't know how to react. He ended up pushing the red haired Omega away, and the Omega fell straight upon the ground coz he was already weak with the hours of struggle because of the ropes. Plus he was experiencing his first heat. "Jungkook Ssii..I-I need you!!!! Please help me out!" Jimin cried desperately. "J-Jimin Ssii...p-please take rest...relieve yourself if it makes you feel better..I'll give you your privacy...I am just outside..I'll be back in an hour...I'll bring you something to eat," saying this, Jungkook locked the door behind him and went outside in the dark with his camera and backpack.
[At the meeting point of Purple Village & Mikrocosmos Village]

Taehyung was in great pain. He was moaning constantly, as his body was burning with heat. He was twisting and turning on the ground, upon the grass amidst of the natural garden of Star Flower plants near the Purple forest. He was soon surrounded by a dozen of Alphas who were attracted by his strong scent. Those Alphas were hovering over his delicate body, fighting amongst each other as to who would mate with him. "Appa!!! Eomma!!! Grandma!!! Help Me!!!" Taetae, the beautiful Omega in Heat, cried as he was totally defenseless and the Alphas were fighting over him. He was sure to get raped by one or more of them.

Tae shut his eyes closed out of fear, and just then there was a loud growl and all the Alphas who were fighting over him, backed off and ran away from there.

Tae was surprised by the sudden calmness. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Jin looking down straight at him with his wolf eyes.


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