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It was half past midnight now. The sounds of wild crickets were accompanying the occasional mating calls of the nocturnal birds nesting on the tall trees on the sides of the lonely highway.

Taehyung was subconsciously dreaming about his grandma. He at once remembered about the star flowers collecting jar. "Oh, no! I must have..left it there...! I need to go there! Grandma must be waiting for those flowers! I need to bring it! The jar! I dropped it there! Oh no!" Tae began panicking. He looked at the handsome Alpha sleeping soundly beside him. "I can't wake him up...what if he leaves me...I need him...what if he escapes from here after waking up? What would happen to me then? I should just go and bring it back while he is asleep...," Tae slowly yet desperately unlocked the door of the car and closed it back. He wore just Jin's shirt and went out in the dark to find his jar wherein he had carefully stored the star flowers that he could manage to collect for his grandma just before his heat hit him.

Taehyung's slick was still wet and his scent spreaded far and wide, making the Alphas who were at a considerable distance away from him in the forest to howl.

He tried to figure out the place, but got lost. Once his feet stopped moving, fear overtook him. It was pitch dark..it was the middle of the forest. He was barefeet and half naked. He was in heat. His slick was still wet. His scent glands were releasing pheromones. He could clearly sense a number of Alphas from all directions advancing towards him. There wasn't any 'Jin' around to save him. "Am I going to die here? I can't see anything in the dark...I am lost!...," Tae sobbed out of fear.

He shut his eyes closed when he saw a wild Alpha sprinting towards him. 'My Angel Luna! Please Protect Me from the wild Alphas! Please illuminate the path and guide me towards the Star Flower garden...please!' Tae prayed to his guardian Angel.

He got startled when he heard a now familiar growl, which made the wild Alphas to vanish from there. "J-Jin???? Y-your scent.....," Taehyung was shocked to see Jin like that. The WWH Alpha's eyes were red with rage and lust. He was growling with anger and lust. His body was emitting strong and hot pheromones that were making the Omega feel weak and submissive...Taehyung turned when the path towards their left suddenly began glowing..."I-Its there!!...the jar...the garden...," the Omega at once pushed his limits and ran towards that direction. With the Alpha in rut chasing after him desperately.

The star flower garden was now right in front of them and the place was shining beautifully. The pretty Omega in heat smiled brightly and naturally glued to the hot Alpha's body into an intimate embrace. He received a lustful lick behind his ear, close to his scent gland, from the Alpha. "How dare you leave without my permission?" Jin squeezed the Omega's butt really hard, making the Omega in heat to moan out his name loud and clear. "J-Jin-I-," Taehyung couldn't continue. The Alpha in rut began kissing him lustfully, refuelling the Omega's heat waves. 

Tae was on his knees now, desperately unzipping the Alpha's denims. Jin at once pushed his manhood into Taetae's mouth, almost choking the horny Omega with his length. The Alpha in rut kept thrusting his manhood into Taetae's mouth till he released his seeds in it with a loud growl and thus again almost choked the horny Omega in the process.

Tae drank the whole thing like it was a drug to keep him alive. He rubbed some amount of Jin's cum all over his own body and Jin's shirt that he was wearing, further escalating the Alpha's rut. Jin at once pinned the pretty Omega to the ground and hovered all over his body, taking in his sweet scent. His denims were gone now. With it, his boxers too and so was Tae's shirt (originally Jin's shirt). Tae moaned seductively, spreading his legs and inviting the Alpha to wreck him. And the Alpha did just that. Jin at once pushed his erect cock inside Tae's hole. They kept making love amidst of the star flowers, in the middle of the natural garden like there's no tomorrow. The place was filled with their moans and growls, scents and sounds. Lust got the upper hand in their mating play and thus, Jin ended up knotting Tae. Tae cried with pain and uneasiness that got mixed with the continuous waves of pleasure that the Alpha was giving to his body. "J-Jin-," he moaned.

They bit upon each other's lips wildly as they chased their orgasms. Taetae got horny and began biting all over upon Jin's chest. The Alpha in rut rewarded the Omega with some skin tearing bites upon the Omega's poking nipples and ample thighs. He did not forget to turn him around and mend to his round butt cheeks either. The glowing star flowers did not just witness their lust, but also their romantic embrace under the moonlight. An Alpha and his Omega bite marking each other as they both came for the second time.

Jin cupped Tae's cheeks and took in his beauty as the moonlight fell upon the Omega's face making him look even more dangerously beautiful than he already is. Jin was still inside Tae. His cock at once got hard again upon watching the beautiful face of the Omega, who was looking at him with honey dripping eyes.

The Alpha picked up his Omega and carried him in his arms. Tae stole glances at the jar subconsciously and whimpered. Jin sniffed the jar (as the jar contained Omega Tae's smell) and took it with them. "Our Clothes!" Tae exclaimed, reminding the WWH Alpha to pick up the denim and the shirt.

Jin didn't bring him back to the car. His rut was still at its peak levels. He carried Tae to a small cave nearby and continued their sexual play there. They spent the rest of the night making love in the cave.
[Next Morning on the peak of the Mikrocosmos Village]

"Are you sure it's the two of them? They are staying here?" a sleep deprived RM asked the old woman about Jungkook and Jimin. He was totally exhausted after a night-long cycling. He ate and rested in a lodge down the hill of the Mikrocosmos Village for a couple of hours before climbing up the peak, searching for the two of them.

"Yes, they are here. Jungkook Ssii and his Omega. The old woman showed him the direction of their Hut.

RM kept knocking at the weak door of the hut for five minutes straight. There was not any reply. He got a bit worried now. He called the old woman and with her help, they opened the door. "Jimin!!! Where are you-" RM at once got embarrassed upon seeing Jimin and Jungkook cuddling each other on the bed, with only a warm blanket wrapped around their bodies. Jungkook opened his eyes and got startled. He growled at RM, taking up a defensive stance, protecting his Omega in heat. "Stay away from my Omega!" Jungkook growled.


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