Goodbye, Purple Village

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"Taehyung Ssii, you were in your heat and were inviting Jin to take you. I am not blaming you or anything, please don't get me wrong. What I am trying to say is that Jin had tried his level best to stop things from happening. He had even injected himself with a rut suppressant before going out to look for you. When things happen even after trying your best to avoid it, that just means it was inevitable. You all need to accept the past and move on. That's for your own sake," RM tried to explain. Jungkook placed his hand upon Taehyung's shoulder and nodded.

Jin was done repairing the car. Jungkook was standing quietly beside him. Taehyung's eyes were glued at Jin. "Taehyung Hyung, we are already late by three days. Let's just return to Hybe City directly. You have collected the Star flowers that your grandma had asked for, right? So, we can just drive back to the Hybe City now," Jungkook spoke softly.

Jin approached the two of them and handed Jungkook the key to his car. "Here! It's good to go now," said Jin about Jungkook's car, that he had fully repaired it this time.

'What's wrong with him?? He wants us to leave just like this?? Doesn't he even care about what he had done to me?? Those things meant nothing to him???? Does he even realise that the two of us have claimed each other??' Taetae was feeling hurt and betrayed.

Jungkook loaded their stuffs back in their car. Taehyung  got into the car and sat on the front seat, keeping the jar containing the star flowers on his lap. He was hurt. He wanted to fulfil his grandma's wishes. His family's wishes. But now when he was already claimed by another Alpha i.e., Jin,  deep inside, he was expecting Jin to accept him as his Omega. His not saying anything regarding the matter was making him feel 'rejected'.

"Jungkook Ssii! Can I ask you for something?" Jimin asked softly, as he stood behind the Alpha, who was busy loading his stuffs into his car's dicky. "Yeah, sure!" replied Jungkook, turning his back to look at his red haired Omega. "Can I keep your jacket?" Jimin asked. Jungkook soon realised that since him and Jimin had mated each other, Jimin was mentally planning to stick to Jungkook. The Omega needed his Alpha's scent. "S-sure!" Jungkook allowed him to keep it. He was already feeling guilty for what he had done to Jimin. And that he was leaving him just like that.

Taehyung was feeling various emotions at the same time. He was mad at Jin but then his heart was wishing to see his Alpha for just one last time before they leave from there. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Jin coming towards him. "Taehyung Ssii! Once again, I'm really sorry....please...I hope you live a happy life...wish you two have a safe journey-," Jin tried to continue but his words were cut by Tae again. "How Can I be Happy??? After you have- I Hate You, Jin! I- I don't want to see your Face Ever Again!" Tae ended up bursting into tears. Jin got worried "Tae-" . He glanced at RM and then regained his composure. "Taehyung Ssii...Hope you can forgive me-" Jin continued softly. "Jungkookah! Jungkookah! Let's get going already!" Tae screamed, bringing back Jungkook's attention to him. Jimin left from there quietly.

Jungkook started the engine and waved lightly at RM, Jin, Suga & JHope who were standing there, bidding them a goodbye. Taehyung was crying and was still angry with them. The two of them drove away from the Bangtan Car Wash Centre.

"I had to do this, sorry. I feel bad for both you and Jimin. But we had to send them away. You know our mission, right? We can't just waste more time," RM placed his hand upon Jin's shoulder and tried to console the worried Alpha.

"I understand that," replied Jin as he slowly headed towards their small house.
[At the Hybe City]

Jungkook and Taehyung reached the Hybe City after the long journey by car, and soon reached Tae's home. Taehyung's parents and Jungkook's parents (who too were present there at that time) came running towards the two of them. "Taehyungah! Jungkookah! Are you two Okay?? We did not get any Call from you two. We got so worried! We were about to contact the police to look for you two!" said Tae's dad in a concerned tone.

Jungkook and Taehyung shared a glance before Tae replied softly "dad, we tried to contact you all. But the network over there was extremely poor."

Jungkook's mom was running her hands all over her son's face.

Taehyung slowly approached his grandma with the jar in his hands. " lovely grandson. How I missed you. I really got worried when we couldn't contact you two and felt guilty for sending you two to that unknown place. If you two wouldn't have shown up today, my life was uncertain tomorrow," Tae's grandma cried.

Tae gave her the jar and sat beside her with a soft smile, tears forming in his big eyes. "Many things happened....I had my first heat.....," Tae tried to continue but he almost got startled as both of their parents suddenly reacted in unison. "WHAT??"

Tae shared a glance with Jungkook once again. He couldn't continue and remained quiet. His grandma decided to break the silence. She cupped his cheeks and said "Thank God! Jungkookah was with you when you needed him the most."

Tae forced a smile and tried to change the topic by handing her the jar containing the star flowers/ & plants that he brought for her from the meeting point of the two villages (Purple Village & Mikrocosmos Village). "Woah! God Bless you two! Taehyungah? Jungkookie? Do you know that these flowers shine after sunset in presence of two fated lovers? I bet you two got to witness that!" Grandma informed them happily.

Tae was dumbfounded. He could recall clouded visions of himself and Jin witnessing the shining star flowers in the natural garden while they were making love there.

"And have you two seen the starry night sky from the peak of the Mikrocosmos Village? Couples witnessing it are blessed togetherness for lifetime," Tae's grandma added.

Jungkook was stunned by her words. He at once remembered how him and Jimin watched the starry night sky from the hut's window on the peak of the Mikrocosmos Village.

"They must be tired and hungry. Taehyungah! Jungkookie! You two get bath first, your moms are preparing food for you. You two need to eat and get some sleep," said Tae's dad.
The two of them ate almost silently. Their dads could notice that something was off. The four of them gathered at Tae's room for a talk. "We wanted to talk to you two alone," Jungkook's dad began. "Taehyungah! just said that you were in your heat...we can obviously see bite marks on both of your scent glands. Tell me, why do you smell so foreign? I am not sensing Jungkookie's scent on you and yours on Jungkookie's. Tell us the truth," Tae's dad could tell. His voice softened when he saw Tae sobbing. Jungkook was confused and kept glancing at Tae to get a hint whether to tell them the truth or not. "Uncle-" Jungkook's word was cut as both his dad and Taehyung's ran towards Tae as the Omega's vision got blurry and he fell upon the chair beside him. "Taehyungah!!!"


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