First Meet

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Suga, a peace-loving and energy conserving Omega, was taking a power nap inside of a rusty car which was being repaired by him and his co-workers at the Bangtan Car Wash & Servicing Centre, and just then his peaceful nap got disturbed by Jimin, another petite but fiesty Omega, who teased the said energy conserver by spraying water upon him through a pipe, which was being used by him for cleaning another partially dirt-coated car. "Whae-whae-!" Suga complained, as the poor fellow got startled by the sudden attack of water. "Hahahah! Sorry, Hyung!" Jimin apologised and sprinted away.

Jin, a Worldwide Handsome Alpha plus a coworker at the said Bangtan Car Wash & Servicing Centre, smiled his slush smile upon watching the playfulness of his two cute Omega coworkers.

The three of them soon turned their heads as they felt a group approaching towards their Car Wash & Servicing Centre. They could see JHope and RM pushing a black car and another guy helping them and there's also one more pretty looking guy walking along, towards the said Centre.

Jin's heartbeat at once increased and he began breathing heavily as he laid his eyes upon the extremely beautiful Omega now standing a few metres away from him.

Jin came closer to Taehyung and tried to inhale his sweet strawberry-rose smell. "Stop! My Alpha is here with me and the two of us are going to get married soon," Omega Tae tried to protest. "You two aren't mated yet...please...let me just...," Jin was getting out of control. His body was reacting on its own. He caught hold of Tae by his waist and began nuzzling upon the pretty Omega's scent gland, taking in his sensually sweet smell. Tae's mind wanted to stop Jin from inhaling his smell like that but his body too was reacting on its own. Tae began blushing furiously and he mewed unconsciously as the Worldwide Handsome Alpha kept nuzzling and sniffing him for a while.

There was now a lack of protest from Jungkook coz the said Alpha was sniffing in a sweet-pastry like smell coming from the red haired petite Omega, who just passed by him to help JHope and RM with the basic inspection of his Car's engine. "H-hey! W-who are you? Your name, I mean. Are you an Omega?" Jungkook ended up asking, startling Jimin, as the latter was not expecting the Car's Owner aka Jungkook to stand very close behind him and such that he could feel the said Alpha's breathes upon his nape. "I-I am Jimin. I work you can see...y-yes, I am an Omega," replied Jimin in a soft timid tone, stealing glances at Jin who was still sniffing Tae and Tae was still mewing lightly and blushing furiously.

JHope, Suga and RM kept watching the four of them quietly for a while and when they felt that the service provider-customer ethics were shattering, because of the intense and sudden sniffs and stares (plus now they knew that Tae and Jungkook are going to get married soon), they decided to jump in. "Mr. Jungkook...sorry, are making the Omega feel a bit uncomfortable..," RM spoke in a normal polite tone. "Hyung...I am not-," Jimin tried to protest, but then RM eyed him. On the other hand, JHope and Suga jumped in and took Jin away with them. "S-sorry about that...heheh! Jin Hyung meant no harm...heheh!" JHope apologised to Tae on behalf of Jin.

Tae was getting flustered when he caught Jin winking at him while JHope and Suga were pulling him away with them, but then he tried to control his emotions.

"I-I am so sorry....," Jungkook scratched his head and apologised to RM. "No, that's fine...I am an Alpha too, so, I can understand...anyways, we have done the primary inspection of your car. Some parts of the engine have some grave damages, the thing is that as you can see, this is a very lonely place and all parts are not available with us right now. The shops are atleast a couple of hours away from here and it is already past the sunset hour. We would atleast need half a day to repair your car," said RM.

"Oh My God! And where would we stay for the night?" Tae got scared and caught hold of Jungkook's hand. "Yes, RM Ssii, we don't see any house or lodging places around? We would be grateful to you people if you could make arrangements for our night stay in here," requested Jungkook. "You two can stay with us tonight..but then we have only two rooms in here. One for the Alphas and another one for the Omegas. JHope is the only Beta in our group. He mostly sleeps at Suga and Jimin's room," said RM.

"Alright, thank you so much," both Taehyung and Jungkook's faces lit up as one of their problems got solved.

Taehyung and Jungkook took out their backpacks from the car and kept those inside the small two-room house.

The two of them sat outside on a bench, watching RM and Jin replacing some parts of their car's engine, while JHope was helping the said two Alphas with flashlight. And on the other hand, Jimin and Suga were repairing another rusty car (the same one inside of which Suga was resting an hour ago).

"Umm...V Hyung...don't you think these guys are too flashy and good looking to be Car Washers and Mechanics?" Jungkook spoke in a low voice. "Umm...they seem doubtful to be honest....and the way that Alpha was hitting upon me...he is a pervert....I am a bit scared to spend the night with them...what if they murder us? Or loot our stuffs...or that Alpha rapes me?....Eeeeehhh...what would I do then...I am scared...," Tae spoke up in an almost loud-tone. "No, they don't seem like criminals...," Jungkook ssshhed him and spoke in a whispery voice. "Jungkookie, don't you think that the two of us should sleep together and separately from them? For our own safety?" Tae got anxious. "Well, I think these people are harmless...let's assume for now....let's observe them for a while...," replied Jungkook. Tae nodded and finally agreed to take the risk by trusting the five strangers.


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