Chapter 10 - Jeon Jaebeom POV

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"Honey, calm down," I say, sitting helplessly across from my wife at the dining table as she sobs uncontrollably into her hands. "Please, we cannot have a proper conversation if you do not calm down."

"How can you expect me to be calm? Do you not understand? Our son, our dear Jeongguk, is dead! He's been killed, how can you be calm?" she wails, crying harder.

I sigh, a little annoyed. "Of course I understand. But if he's dead, he's dead! No amount of crying will get him back. So we must collect ourselves and talk about what we shall do next. I've received a message from the boss of SM. Let us look at it together."

"Oh, screw messages!" she yells, throwing her arms up into the air. "I don't give half a shit what he wants to say to us. He's taken (y/n) and killed Jeongguk. I have no purpose to live anymore."

"Honey, I am a mafia boss. I have been, for years. I know what goes on in the heads of these young men new to our world. There are a few guesses I can make from his message. So please, please, just take a look at it with me."

"Fine, fine. But after that, I'm going to bed. I'm so tired."


I fish out the paper from within my back pocket. With a quick glance, I can tell that all traces of fingerprints have been removed and the letter has been typed out in neat writing. He's careful, this guy. Maybe better than I'd expected.

Under the light of the Tuesday morning, I read its contents out loud.


Jeon Jaebeom,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. Because otherwise, I don't think you'll be able to handle all the information I am going to give you below. Prepare yourself. 

I'm not going to beat about the bush or give you the nice greetings you're expecting because you're older than me. You are worth less than the dirt beneath my shoes, and don't expect me to treat you like something more. 

So here is the first piece of information I hope you'll have difficulty processing: your son is dead.

That's right. Your son, Jeon Jeongguk. I killed him. Cut his head off. His head is being kept in my headquarters. His body, I don't know what has become of. It's probably lying in a ditch somewhere. A waste, I should say, of such nice muscles and good style.

Now, for your daughter, Jeon (y/n). She's here, with me. A pretty little thing, as expected as the sibling of such a handsome young man such as your son. 

I haven't killed her. Of course, this has a reason. And may I warn you that she'll be dead quite soon, if all goes according to plan.

Before I tell you what this "plan" of mine is, let me tell you how all of these events came to be. Do not worry your poor old heart, Jeon Jaebeom: I'm not doing this for no reason.

I wonder if you remember. Years ago, when both of your children were still small, you murdered a couple on the streets of Dongdaemun District. Your reasoning, I guess I will never know. Nor will I ever be able to guess.

Let me inform you now: those two people you killed that night were the parents of a child just as small as your children at that time. They were the parents of an innocent child, of which his parents you stole. That child? You probably already know. Yes, that child was me.

And I want you to know that I will never, ever forgive you for what you did. I'll curse your name for the rest of my goddamn life, and more.

For years, I've wanted revenge. I've always dreamed of a way to get back to you. And now, that chance has finally arrived.

With Jeongguk dead and (y/n) in captivity, you will have no true successors of Big Hit Entertainment. Sure, you have other people within your gang. But will they ever be as good, as amazing as your children? No, I don't think so. And you know it too.

You need (y/n) back. She is your last hope.

So here, I make you a deal: come to the third street to the south of Dongdaemun District's far eastern border. Any Wednesday night, at 23:55. Someone will be waiting there for you. When you get there, you will know what to do.

There's a catch, though: every Wednesday that you fail to come, your daughter will be hurt. Tortured in some way or another.

If you don't want that, better come the next Wednesday possible.

I don't go back on my promises.

I promised myself years ago that one day, I would get my revenge to you. So here's to hoping that I'll be able to fulfill it. But it takes two to tango. You need to play your role in this filthy game you've forced me to be involved in.

A last reminder: if you hadn't done that shit you did years ago, your son wouldn't be dead, and your daughter would be safe at home.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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