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"wait! where's my phone? you should have give me right? where is it huh?" i said. he looks nervous and i took his bag. i found a cracked phone. it's my phone. i tried to opened it but i failed.

felix's pov

i became weird and looked at him directly. "what are you doing with my phone?? why is it cracked?? why can't i open it?!?!!?!?" i asked while screaming and almost cried. "i... ugh it's just a phone just buy a new one! it's not really hard" he said to me while i'm crying. "buy a new one?? i can. but this phone was one of my things that i appreciated. i took care of it very well. i also did your assignments without any ripped paper. is it really hard to take care of someone's thing???? what are you?? don't you got feelings???" i said to him.

no one's pov

after he spoke that hyunjin became more guilty but he don't want to apologize. he needs to keep his reputation as popular guy in college. "tsk, it's just a phone nothing's more" hyunjin said to felix while looking at the floor.

felix became inpatient. he took hyunjin's book from his hand and ripped the paper. "HEY HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? IT'S MY BOOK!" hyunjin said angrily. "just buy a new one. is it that hard?? no." felix copied what hyunjin said earlier and went to his room.


felix arrived at his room with a plain face. "hey-- wait what's wrong??" seungmin asked him. "ugh hyunjin??" seungmin asked him again. felix nodded and crying on seungmin's chest. "aw what did he do this time??" seungmin asked while holding felix's face.

"h-he..." felix took out his cracked phone. "WHA--" "felix you're too kind. you just let go a person who destroyed your things???" felix then looked at seungmin. "i know. but i did something today." felix said and seungmin listened carefully. "i ripped his book." felix whispered. seungmin then laughed. "LMAO HE DESERVES IT" felix then smiled and looked at his phone.

seungmin noticed the way he wants to cry when he looked at his cracked phone. "hey, i know you loves this phone. your dad gave it to you before he passed away right??" felix nodded. "i know i can buy a new phone but this is the last thing he g-gave me before he passed away..." seungmin then calmed felix down and said "shh shh it's fine we'll settle this thing later okay? now eat. i've bought your favourite food!!" seungmin said to felix and felix smiled. they ate together then.

the next day..

felix,seungmin,jisung and jeongin planning on going to library to do sone revision. but felix went earlier. when felix on his way to the library, he noticed the people around him keep looking and pointing at him.

he became confused and just walked to the library. when he arrived in front of the library, he heard someone called for him. he turned around and it's miss shuhua. he greeted her and she asked him to go to her room. he nodded and followed her.


felix's pov

i followed miss shuhua and we arrived at her room. she asked me to come in and sit on the chair for guest. i nodded and smiled at her. then she sat on her chair. "so, don't you want to know why did i asked you to come here?" she asked me and i shooked my head.

suddenly, she took out her phone and showed me a video. a video of me tearing hyunjin's book. i got shocked and i became panicked. "miss but i--" i'm trying to say something but she cut me off.

"no need to explain it. felix, i know you're one of the good students here. but it doesn't mean you can bully someone's here." she said. 'this is all misunderstood who the fuck recorded it, it must be hyunjin' i thought. "miss i didn't do that i swear. i did it because of a reason." "what reason?? because he teased you and disturbing you?? felix, that's not a green light for you to bully him. this is so wrong. i thought you'll be a good example for all students in this college." she let out everything and i looked down.

*knock knock*

"come in." i looked at that person. it's hyunjin. i became inpatient and just want to punch him right here. "miss, i need to tell you something." "what is it hwang? hurry up tell me i need to do something" she asked him. "actually.... i was the one who started first. i asked him to do my assignment and he did it perfectly. i kind of forced him because i got his phone and when i was at the corridor, i came across to someone and his phone got cracked because i just realized i didn't zipped my bag. i'm sorry miss shuhua."

miss shuhua just looked at both of us. "okay so? what's the point of telling me this. hwang, you got a punishment for bullying someone and felix.. you got a punishment for tearing someone's thing. full stop." we nodded and went outside. "ugh this is my first time having a detention." i glared at him and he said "what? i saved you so please thank me" he said but i walked away.

no one's pov

hyunjin just followed felix from the back and felix turned around at him but hyunjin's still walking that time so it made both of them kissed.

few seconds later, felix pulled out and swore. "hyunjin what the fuck. why did you followed behind me closely??? ugh" felix said and walked away again to the cafeteria. he noticed hyunjin was following him again but he ignored it. felix picked a table and bought a food. still, hyunjin's waiting for felix at the table felix picked earlier. "okay that's it. what do you want? fix your book? i can't even fix my broken phone. i sent to a mobile store and they said it's broken. so what do you want this time?"

hyunjin got shocked after felix said that and he took a box out of his bag. he gave it to felix. "what?" felix asked and ignored the box. hyunjin sighed and finally spoke. "okay! i'm sorry okay???? i know it's my fault for started it. here, take this phone. it's my gift for you." hyunjin said to felix and felix took the box.

"thanks." he said and continue to eat. "that's it???" hyunjin asked. "what do you want me to do?? kiss you again or what." felix accidentally said it but pretending nothing happened. "what did you said just now???" hyunjin asked. "nothing." felix said and got up from his seat. "i gotta go now. thank you for this."

hyunjin's pov

i heard what felix said about the kiss and i got shocked. i pretend i didn't hear it and asked him again but he avoided me and walked away. i chuckled at his behaviour and walked away too.

flashback to before felix and hyunjin got a detention.

i was walking as usual and i saw people keep looking at me. there's some girls keep asking me if i'm okay. of course i am. i walked again and i saw a boy looked at me. i walked closer to him and took his phone. it's a video of me and felix. about him tearing my book. i started to became worried. 'oh my god he must have been caught by any teachers' i said to myself and gave the phone to that boy again.

suddenly someone stopped me. it's seungmin. "can we have a talk?" i can't say no because he's felix's friend so of course felix already told him about me. "so.. you broke felix's phone right?" he asked me and i looked down. i spoke "yea?? tsk it's just a phone. i heard he came from rich family. just buy a new phone what's the matter??" seungmin then went closer to me and explained about why did felix loves the phone so much. i became guilty but i didn't show it.

i frozed and he screamed. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR????!?!? BUY A NEW ONE FOR HIM HOE!!" he then pushed me and i just groaned. luckily there's a mall in front of our college so i just booked a cab and went to the mall. i looked for a mobile phone store and i found one. i finally bought it and a notifications heard from my phone.

i opened it and it's from our college's students post on twitter.

felix got caught by miss shuhua for bullying hwang hyunjin. - from choi tzuyu

i ran fastly and booked a cab again. i arrived at the college and ran to miss shuhua's room. then i knocked and she let me in. here, a worried face from felix. he looked at me as if wants to kill me i avoided his face and talked to miss shuhua about the actual things happened.

end of flashback

a/n : this is kind of short (?) but i hope you guys love this chapter. again, i apologized for some grammar mistakes. <33

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