eighteen (+1)

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hyunjin's pov

we hugged each other and i asked him to rest a bit suddenly he pouted to me. ''what's wrong, baby?'' i asked. ''you didn't tell me about how do you know about medical and why didn't you join any ballet competition." he asked and i froze.

''hyunnie? are you okay?'' i heard my boyfriend said. ''hm?'' i hummed as a response. ''do you want to talk about it?'' he asked while intertwined my hand to his.

''do you want to know about it?'' i asked him back and he nodded while smiling at me. then i started the story while holding his hands tightly.

7 years ago

"mom, dad! look what i found!!" i said happily ran to their room to show a template. i knocked the door and my mom opened it. "yes, son?"

"i found this. can i join?" i showed my mom the template and she showed it to my dad.

"ballet competition?" he mentioned and i nodded happily. "i want to join it! the competition was next month so i got time to practice and--"

"hyunjin, have you done your homeworks?" my dad suddenly cut me off as i looked down. i nodded slowly. then he knelt down to my height patting my hair.

"you're a boy. learn about what i want you to learn. ballet are for girls." he said and definitely it hurted me. i just held my tears and just went to my room.

i just got into my room it's already looks like a hospital. it's full of medical things. and everyday, every night. dad's gonna tell me the same medical lesson as usual.

he wants me to be a doctor. but i want to be a dancer. i got into dance competitions quietly. didn't even mind to tell my parents because i know they are not going to allow me.

but that one day,

they knew.

after saw some certificates in my room. my dad almost burn those but i kept a promise with him. i'll do what he wanted me to be.

so he didn't burn those and asked me to focus on medical thing instead. in my heart, i can't leave dancing at all. dancing is my my whole world.

two weeks later, i was still thinking about the competition and practice alone in my room without my parents knowing.

i was practicing and suddenly someone got in without knocking. i fastly turned off my song. "i've told you to leave this horrible dancing thing right??!?!!!!" "WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LISTEN TO ME????"

i felt a sting.

i'm on the ground right now. my dad was really mad when i saw he looked at me. i got up slowly.


"IS IT A SIN FOR A BOY TO DANCE??!!!" i shouted to him and i felt a sting on my cheek. again.



i was crying. i've been holding this tears for too long. finally.

no one's pov

"don't you think it's too much if you slapped him???" hyunjin's mom started while fixing his dad's tie.

he shooked his head while looking at the mirror as mom turned his body to her. "we got only one child. we did everything back then to get a child and we finally got a boy who listened to us. he did very well until now. so why don't we just let him do the thing he loves?? everyone deserves to be happy, honey."

his mom said in a long sentence. his dad just laughed. "he loves studying. medical thing. he wants to be a doctor i know that."

"how do you know if you're outside almost everyday? you don't even spend some time with both of us. now you said you know him? honey, you forgot his birthday this year. just please, let him do what he wanted."

his dad froze at his wife's words. he just nodded and left the house to go to his work.

2 weeks later

*knock knock*

"hyunjin aaa, why aren't you going out from your room these days???" his mom asked and his dad knocked the door after she done saying.

"hyunjin. i'm sorry. i know what i did was wrong... can you please open the door?? we still got time for your competition, right??"

no response.

"hyunjin???" his dad called again and still, no response. his parents became worried and trying their best to open the door.

"the key, in the kitchen's drawer." his mom suggested and his dad ran to kitchen to take they key.

they tried the key and finally opened. but it shows only a body.

tw : self harm

lying down on the floor. his face are all pale. his pulse are blue.


hyunjin opened his eyes and saw his parents in front of him. "hyunjin??? are you okay??" his mom asked with tears while his dad just held his hand.

"i-i'm okay. h-how long have i been here??" he asked and his parents looked at each other.

"how long????" he became curious.

"about 3 months. you got into comma because of your exposed blood since years ago. why aren't you telling us about it?? why are you keeping such a huge secret with us??" his dad sounded.

"i was scared if you might think, i was just faking it because i want to avoid my studies. i'm sorry.." he said looking down.

"you don't need to be sorry. i am sorry. i'm sorry i'm being too harsh to you. your mom's right. you deserves to be happy so i don't have a right to force you to do such things. i'm sorry, son."

hyunjin smiled and he hugged his parents.

i knew it this day will finally exist.

end of flashback

a/n : it's just 900+ words but i spent days to complete it. well, school 😇 ahh finally the story you guys been waiting (maybe) is done! i hope you guys happy with this. thank you for 1k readers!! <3

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