So guys suthanu cast will be revealed later as she will be born later 😁😁
Jayant : son of ashwasthama ...he is as righteous as Dharamraj and as fierce as Karen and Arjun as courageous as bheem as intellegent as sahdev and as handsome as nakul ...he is best friend with upp pandavs but hate Kurus he knows that they are adharmis
Vrishketu : he son of Rajkumar Karn and vrushali he is as fierce as Karn ..but he is the most righteous one .and loves his brothers he is married to ..Kirti ..he is eldest but younger to prativindhya
Prativindhya. : He is the eldest of all ..most righteous one just like Dharamraj ....he loves evryoen to his core ..he is married to anjalika ..he has a habit of playing dyut which evryone resists
Suthanu ..the fire born
Historical Fictionstory of suthanu ; daughter of dharamraj yuddhistar and draupadi ... born out of fire ....sister of prathivindhya and other upp pandavs and her cursed life ......she is like this living flames of fire this is basically based on mahabharat ...but i...