..Birthday ..

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Let's begin

So it was a day before suthanu birthday ...and evryoen was busy for preparation ..for suthanu birthday the kingdom of hastinapur ...panchal ..and dwarka were invited ......

So  evryoen was standing at the gates of palace to  welcome the guest ..

And then only all the members of royal family of hastinapur came ..and even bhabunati too came with her son laxman and shakuni ...and then only krishna rukmini and balram reaction and aswasthama also arrived ...and evryoen greeted them ..but suthanu was not present there

Krishna ; where is my dear suthanu ...bharta yuddistar...

And befire yuddistar could says abhimanyu says

Abhimanyu ; you know  na mamshree she is. Warrior princess so she was Practicing...she might be comming after getting the news of your arrival ..

And then only ..suthanu comes there running ......and evryoen loks at her and smiles ...even bhabunati too has a small smile seeing her ..as really she was a heavenly beauty .as she wore white lehenga ...and he skin shone in sunlight ...dushit seee her with lust and laxman loks at her with hatred ...

dushit seee her with lust and laxman loks at her with hatred

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(Her dress )

She comes towrds evryoen and greet them she firslty greets Krishna and rukmini...and then balram and revati hugs her

And then she greets evryone else and then she was about to go towrds bhanumati ...

And says

Suthanu ; pranipaaat mata

And bhabunati looks at her .and everyone smiles fades ..when suthanu greets bhanumati ..

And bhabunati looks at suthanu and smiles and greets her back ..and evryoen was surprised at her gesture

And them only aswasthama also arrived ..and everyoen welcomed him

And suthanu too ..but she was looking for her love whom she was not able to find ..

And then understanding suthanu situation prathivindhya smiled and says

Prathivindhya; where is yuvraj jayant ..

Aswasthama ; he has not came putr...actually there was some issue regarding kingdom so he will come tomorrow morning ..

And evryoen nods ..and suthanu face fell ..

Kunti ; let's go inside ...evryoen

And all. Of them goes inside only suthanu and  up pandav were left

And prathivindhya and vrishketu side hugs their sister ..and says

Vrishketu; don't worry  yuvraj jayant will come tommrrow ..

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