..misery ..

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So nakul and sahdev along with vrushali  anjalika and subhadra were treating suthanu ..

And others were waiting outside and draupadi  was crying badly ...and kirti was trying to console

And then only the chamber door opened and nakul amd sahdev along with others came out .and there faces held grief and pain ........and then yuddhistar  goes md says

Yuddhistar  ; what happened nakul ..is she alright ....

But nakul  stood stern and teas rolled down  sahdev eye

And yuddhistar  and evryone were shocked seeing them and then yuddhistar  says

Yuddhistar;I am asking somthing what happened.?....vrushali  bhabhi you tell, waht happened  ..
But tears rolls down vrushali eyes ...

Arjun ; will you guys speak what happened is she alright ..speak up ..

Karan :yes plzz tell waht happened

Prathivindhya  ;waht happened kakashree plzz speak up ...

But still evryone was quite ..and then draupadi says

Draupadi; (in anger ) what happened tell me is she fine what happened to her

But still none answered amd then she says

Draupadi;I said speak up ..(say with eary voice and anger )

And evryone loks at her

Amd then finally nakul says ..

Nakul ; bhabhi ..suthanu was poisoned  ...and ..it was a special poison causes infertility ...and beacuse oc that poison effect suthanu lost her fertility  se will never be able to become a mother

Saying this nakul  sits on ground amd tears rolls down his eyes

And evryone else was shocked and numb to react amd yuddhistar  looks at nakul and sahdev shocked.?

And karn was numb amd unable to react and tears started forming in his eyes

And tears rolled down bheem and arjun eyes ..but bheem closed his eyes to absorb the information

And draupadi just sits there devastated   and tears rolls down her eyes

And the condition of six birthed was also same ..tears rolled down their eyes ......

But there was onky one person who was composed and that was none other tan dharamraj itself .........as tears also rolled down his eyes but he was composed ...

And then onky prathivindhya  roared

Prathivindhya;I will not leave that bloody maid

Saying this he went towrds the dinning room ....

Amd evryoen rushes after him

Abimanyu  ;bharaa prathivindhya  ....

Vrishketu ;bharta ...

Yuddhistar:prathi ,,

And evryon ran after him but prathivindhya  went towards dinning room amd saw the maid who brought kheer and was about to question him when the maid said

Maid ; I am sorry.....evryoen

And saying this she cut her own neck with the knife md died at the spot and evryon was shocked...

And them only anjalaika came amd said

Anjalika ;(to prathi ) Arya....suthanu ...she came to her senses ..

And evryone looks t each other amd goes towards her chamber.?.

In suthanu chamber

So suthanu came back to her senses and evryoen rushes towards her and as they entered they saw suthanu who was continually  questioning vrushali  and kirti 

Suthanu ..the fire born Where stories live. Discover now