...confession. ..

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Let's begin .
In the chamber

So nakul and sahdev were treating suthanu with help of prathivindhya and draupaadi ....

And evryoen else waited outside

So the wound was deep but they cleaned it ...and applied the paste ..

And suthanu was in deep sleep .

And they all comes outside ..

Yuddhistar: (with panic ) how is she

Arjun : is she alright

Bheem : are her wounds okay ..

Karan : why are you not speaking anything sahdev

Jayant : yes plzz tell how is she ..

And then only draupadi says

Draupadi : let them speak .you all

And everyone shuts there mouth and others chukles ...

Sahdev : she is alright  she just needs atleast 4   days rest

And evryone nods ...and then arjun says

Arjun: but there is a problem we have to leave tonight for  the indrprasth ..

Yuddhistar : you are right Arjun but suthanu .....

And then aswasthama says

Aswasthama : don't worry mitr  yuddhistar ...you all can leave and let suthanu stay ..I promise we will take care of her ......also after she recovers yuvraj jayant will personally .bring her to indraprasth......

And yuddhistar and evryoen looks at aswasthama and smiles ...as they know that aswasthama treats suthanu s his own daughter ..

Yuddhistar : sure ...Mitr but .putr Jayant will be troubled as he is newly yuvraj he might  had alot of work ...

And then only Jayant says

Jayant : no  Dharamraj..it's all because of your daughter suthanu that today I am alive .....and she can never trouble me .

And evryone looks at Jayant and smiles ...

And yuddhistar says .

Yuddhistar: fine then ...yuvraj Jayant

Jayant : it's always putr Jayant for all of you ....

And evryoen smiles hearing him ....

And then everyoen leaves from there ..

And as Jayant was leaving ...Then only nakul and sahdev approach him and says  

Nakul : putr Jayant ...

And he turns around ..

Jayant : what happened ....

And nakul and sahdev approaches him and says

Nakul : putr that sword with which suthanu was attacked ...was poisoned ..

And Jayant loks at nakul and sahdev horrified ..and his anger knew no limits ..

Jayant : what  I will not leave that bloody ..batard who did this .I will surely catch him .

Sahdev : sure putr ..but..there is one thing which you have to do after suthanu wakes up

Jayant :just order

Nakul : Jayant we have applied paste to suthanu 's wounds but when she wakes up .you have to burn her cut ..so that the poison ..would not again spread in her body ..because the poison used was really powerful

Suthanu ..the fire born Where stories live. Discover now