..love ..

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So evryoen came to the dinning room .....although evryone was very tensed ...but still listening to Madhav words .. evryone calmed a bit ....

So everyone was sitting in dinning room .and were waiting for subhadra and suthanu ..as suthanu went to take bath and change clothes .

And after sometime they saw subhadra comming

Arjun : where is suthanu  subhadra

Subhadra:Arya she is comming behind ...

And evreryone nods and next moment suthanu entered

And evryoen liked at her ..she was looking like heavenly .beauty evryone smiled seeing her ..but Jayant was just lost in her beauty ..

but Jayant was just lost in her beauty

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(Her dress )

Suthanu came and greeted evryone

Suthanu ; pranipaat

And eryone nods there head ...

And then she goes and sits between yuddhister and Karan

And then food was served to evryone ..

And evryoen was eating food and were silent  and tensed especially yuddhistar and draupadi and suthanu noticed it ..and she says

Suthanu : what happened why you all are tensed .........are you all not happy with me birth .......pitashree....Mata

And evryoen looks at her and yuddhistar ..
Yuddhistar : no putri it's not like this ..

Arjun : yes putri we are very happy with your birth ..

Bheem : yes putri you are a blessing for us ...

Suthanu : then why you all are sad ...

Ashwasthama : it's just that we all are  worried ..putri ..

Suthanu : but why ....whatever is there in fate evryoen has to accept it ...heartily ... And I too accepted it there is no use to be sad ...because fate cannot be changed

And ervcyone looks at her ..with soft eyes ...and suthanu smiles ..and then Madhav says

Madhav : she is right .it's all about destiny ..and one should not waste their present .worrying about future .....

And evryoen looks at Madhav and nods ...

Suthanu: I am very happy and I want that all of you should also be happy  .I do not want that I should be the reason of evryoen miseries ...

Draupadi ; no putri you can never be the reason of anyone sorrow ...

Karan : yes putri don't say like this

Suthanu ; then plzz all of you smile.

And evryoen looks at her and smiles .and yuddhistar  pat's her head   and  evryone happily eats their ...dinner

Suthanu ..the fire born Where stories live. Discover now