coronation amd insult

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So this is in hindi and English both ..

So suthanh and eeryone reached the common room and saw eveyone there and they greet evryone amd sat down ..

Nitin ; what Happened  tatshree  why you all called us ...............

Suthanu ;  yes waht happened pitashre why do you called us ...

And evryone smiles

Prathivindhya; yes pitashree what happened ...and why are you all smiling

Karan : putr we have decided that in after 1 week there will be your coronation ceremony ...

Amd eryoen smiles prathi looks surprised

Bheem : I hope now you are ready Prathivindhya .because now I can't wait to see you coronation as yuvraj.and then the future samrat of aryavarth......

And evryoen smiles and prathivindhya too smiles ..whoke heatedly ..

Arjun : yes putr I think mow its time that you should be coronated

And prathivindhya smiles

Prathivindhya: if you all want this then I am ready ..for taking up my position as the yuvraj

for taking up my position as the yuvraj

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And evryone smiles ...

Yuddhistar: fine then its decided your coronation will be held after 1 week

Karan :so let's begin the preparations because the coronatiom of our yuvraj has to be the grand one

Says Karan smilling

Sahdev ; also jyesth I suggest we should make a new ceremony hall for coronation of prathivindhya.......

.and evryoen smiles ..

Bheem ; right jyesth's very good idea..

And evryone nods .smiling

arjun :fine then lets start the preparations because very less time is left ........

Nakul ; right bharata arjun let's start by sending invitations .....

And evryoen smiles ...and start working as  within a week they have to  do preparations......

So was in her chamber and was thinking about jayant ..when a maid comes and says

Maid ; your highness .....samrat  yuddistar have asked you to immediately come to the common chamber ...

And she loks at maid and becomes worried ...and immediately runs towrds the chamber .....

And she enters in a common chamber where evryone ws during with a bang
And evryoen looked at her and smiled ...

Sutahnu ; (worried ) what happened if everything alright why you called me immediately pitashre ..

And evryoen smiles seeing her and then onky someone covers her eyes from back and suthanu smiles and says

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