dyut sabha..1..

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So after tha coronation was over ...evryoen was there in the common chamber ...

And yuddistar was looking worried and prathivindhya vrishketu and jayant were looking angry ...

Prathivindhya:(sternly ) I don't believe this suthanu how can you insult laxman like this ....

Vrishketu ; you know him he will definitely try to take revenge ..

Jayant ;yes suthanu he can do anything to take revenge ...

And abhimanyu says

Abhimanyu; really ...he too insulted evryoen ...and what happened if suthanu insulted ...he just had a taste of his own Medicine ....

Jayant ; abhimanyu try to understand ....he will not back off he wss insulted incident of evryoen even in front of servants.as they all laughed at him he will surely seek revenge and cab try to harm suthanu ..

Abhimanyu ; oh really I will see how will he even touch my sister ...I will breaks his hands .

And them only elders who are quite .says.

Aswasthama; enough stop all of you ..

Yuddistar; yes stop now for god sake ..

Karan :yes let the gone be by gone ..

Suthanu : I know what I did was wrong but still he got the taste of his own medicine ..because he even insulted pitamahi .(and everyoen loks down and gritted their teeth they too were angry at him )....and yes I know that all of you are concerned about my safety but don't worry ..

Jayant ; why we will not be worried suthanu ..

Vrishketu ; yes suthanu I know that laxman ....he is not one who will easily forget his insult ..

Jayant ; yes suthanu he can do anything to harm you

And then suthanu smiles ...and says ...

Suthanu. : (Smiles .)I don't need to worry about that

And evryoen looks at her ...

Sutahnu ; because all of you are here to protect me...and I know that you all can not let anything happen ...to me. ..I trsut you all with my life. ...

Saying this suthanu smilles...

And evryone else too smiles ....
And suthanu and her brothers shares a hug group hug .and evryone smiles looking at their bond

But krishna just gives a fade smile....as he knew what was going to happen .

And then only suthanu notices some blood drops on floor ..

Sutahnu;(panicked) blood ....

And evryoen loks towrds the direction and sees ...that krishan hand was wounded. ..and suthanu immediately rushes towards him ..and takes his hand in her hand ..

Suthanu ;mama shree your hand got cut and see the blood is also oozing out (and then she tores her dupatta and takes out a piece of cloth and ties around his wound ...)...

And evryoen smiles and krishna Pats her head

Krishan ; (with soft voice ) iw I'll surely return the favour my dear ...

And evryoen loks at krishan and smiles and suthanu too

So 2 months passed like this ..and everything was going great evryone was happy and proud of prathivindhya as he did everything nicely...

At night .

Cut to yuddistar

So yuddistar was sleeping when he again got a night mare where a girl was brutally dragged and thrown on the dyut table and also he saw 6 people sitting on ground .....

Suthanu ..the fire born Where stories live. Discover now