return to indraprasth

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Guys yr comment jarur krna

So suthanu locked herself in her chamber ..

And vrushali and evryone was outside and were knocking but uthanu was not opening the doo1wr .....she was just sitting inside her chamber and tears were rolling down her eyes ...

And draupadi vrushali amd others were crying ....

Draupadi ; how can you all let this happen ..why you did not protected her

Says Draupadi with tears and everyone were hanging there heads in shame and then only krishna along with satyambha arrived ..

Evryone greeted krishna but krishna did not accepted anyone 's greeting...

Krishna; how could you all let this happen.?she was your sister ..and daughter.?still you all can't protect her ...........

And tears rolled down thier eyes

Prathivindhya ; mamshree she is not opening the door plzz say her to open the door

And krishna goes towrds suthanu chamber and opens the door and saw suthanu sitting in the corner in dark and whole room was dark ..

And tears formed in his eyes seeing her like this ...

And suthanu goes and falls in feet of krishna

Krishna ; you have to be strong

Suthanu: (crying ) why why it happened with me why......waht was my mistake was just that I family members .....

And she continues crying ..

Krishna : sometimes ..things are not in our hands ...suthanu ...and your birth is not normal...suthanu ....come let's ..go out ..

Suthanu : no...I can't...I can't ....face anyone now ...I can't ..go .out ......

Krishna :suthanu you have to be stronng are the element of fire are fire yourself ..and fire can never be weak born for a cause suthanu have to stand for yourself have to show the world ..that what is the consequence of insulting a women ..suthanu have to fight ....

Saying this krishan leaves the room to give sometime alone to suthanu

Cut to hall ..

So evryone was tensed and years were rolling down ..their eyes

And then only krishan arrives there ..

Prathivindhya : mamshree how is she she alright ..

Arjun : yes vasudev is she alright .....

Krishna : she needs sometime ......she will be alright ...

Prathivindhya : it all happened because of me's all because of me ..........

Says prathivindhya ..with tears ..

Draupadi (in anger tears ) :right its all because of you ...its all because of you ..,,( to others ) how could you all let this appen not even single one of you said a word ..why...I sent my daughter with all of you just because I trusted you all and what you all did .....

And they all looks down with tears

And then only there comes a guard

"Samrat yuddhishtar have arrived back "

And they all gulps and looks at each other with tears

Note ( guys I was thinking that revenge of suthanu should be given in the new published book what say ...

Since I really wanna use good aesthetical  pictures there ....

....end .....

So hope you all liked this one

Sorry for a short update but don't worry I am back now ...hehe you all

Kindly do vote and comment,

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