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Chapter 8

"I'll be back, mother." I said, finally bidding them goodbye. Eli had been calling me since yesterday asking when I am going back, of course, like the dutiful person I am and because I really liked the guy. I'm going back.

"If Keros lost touch with you again, I swear we'll be back to your childhood favorite. Spanking." Mother said and kissed my cheek. Kyran is beside both of my parents, chuckling behind his sleeves. I don't know why I am babied in this family when I am the autonomous one.

"I'll call. Don't worry." I groaned, rubbing my cheek while glaring at my twin. "And you, I'll be fetching you from the grounds. I'll message you when."

"Make sure it's on a free day where I am not doing anything." He said.

"You never do anything but nap anyway." I scoffed and he rolled his eyes at me.

I laughed and gave them a wave before teleporting out and landing into the town plaza by the café. I could definitely invite Kyran to a party. He doesn't like a lot of socialization but he needs a break. While the two of us have different complexion and hair color, we still have the same set of features, from height down to our noses. He needs to disguise himself and I'll introduce him as my brother.

I walked towards the café with a hum, enjoying the sun even though it's still too cold outside. Winter would be longer this cycle, maybe this had something to do with the attacks on the north. Last winter wasn't as bad as this, even if it's in the middle of the season, it wasn't as harsh as this. We even have a snow storm for the first time in a long time. It's weird.

The little bell on the café sounded as I pushed the door open. The warm air inside the café greets me along with the aroma of bread slowly baking in the oven. Honestly, I didn't have a plan to open a café. I was originally trying to open a pub but Kyran told me I should open a café instead. Pubs here are a dime a dozen, cafes on the other hand are only a handful. You can still get good food though but not a lot of stores serves coffee. Needless to say, the café is just a way to relieve my stress and to actually have something to do. Being a prince is boring as it is.

"Welcome!" I hear my little hybrid's voice making me smile. I approached him slowly as he is wiping a table down. I wrapped my arms on his waist and he jolted in surprise.

"Hey babe, missed me?"

"Kyran!" He gasped in surprise before turning and giving me a hug. "I didn't think you'd be home today." He said before giving me a brief kiss on the lips.

I smiled and rested my forehead to his. "Ah, I can't just leave my baby here." I whispered. "Someone might steal him away from me."

"Oh stop it." He giggled. "No one will steal me away from you—I missed you Kymil." He said and buried his face in my neck, embracing me.

"I missed you too Eli." I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "When does your shift end?"

"In thirty minutes, you should sit down first. I'll get you some tea." He said before pulling away.

"Let's go home together then. " I said and thanked him as he placed a cup of peppermint tea on my table.

"Okay." He chirped and went back to his work.

There are few customers hanging around today. Some are reading books and some are just enjoying their drinks or their coffee. It isn't really busy today yet Elixir does his work diligently. I already told him that he could resign from the coffee shop and I can help him get a teaching job at the University but he told me he wouldn't want to get in because of connections and that he loves what he is doing at the moment. I guess he made good friends here.

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