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Chapter 9

Elixir's POV

"Why is heaven so unfair, this weather, girl I'm living for it." Kymil said like a posh little gay talking about how fabulous his nails are. Apparently, this is the first time he's been here for years and the weather isn't the same as the city where it's freezing cold. Here, it's a perfect temperature, not too cold yet not too warm.

"Baby please," I said while laughing as we rode horses to the main city of the East, Fleur. We've been riding for about three hours now and I'm pretty sure we'll be by the city in a few minutes.

"Is that an onion field on the mountain—girl I swear they be livin' life here like veggie king and queens." He said still trying to impersonate that gay commentator on TV.

"Kymil, babe, if you don't stop, I'm gonna go and tell mom you're a hideous elf." I said while cackling up. My stomach hurts from all the laughing.

"Okay okay, you're really spoiling my fun there." He said with a pout. "How much longer are we riding?"

"Ten minutes, don't worry we're here, look." I said while pointing to the city that is appearing before our eyes.

As much as I'd like to say it's a normal city, it's not. The whole thing is located in a forest of giant sequoia trees and vegetation, the whole infrastructures are covered in some sort of plants, mosses and vegetation and there are a lot of little gardens all over the place and most giant trees are also hollowed out and are home to thousands of faes, there's a trading place in the inner city for the merchants and for teleporting all the goods to be distributed all over the realm, as east is known for its products and supplying the realm with food.

"Wow." Kymil gasped in astonishment as he roamed his eyes around when we enter the city. "Babe this is amazing, last time I was here it isn't like this, there's so many people now, wow."

"There are a lot of tourists on winter seasons since the barrier keeps the cold out. The weather is pretty nice and the food is a hundred percent organic. Here, let's turn left." I said, leading both of our horse to a flower village that has a cute flowery entrance before leading to a fields of lavender and tulips. "My mom kinds of run this small flower village, see that, that's our cottage and this is where I grew up."

"It's so flowery." Kymil said and I rolled my eyes.

"Babe, it's a flower village."

"There's a lot of—are those faeries? Wow, they have wings." Kymil pointed out making me bit my lower lip and looked down. I know I shouldn't be upset, Kymil doesn't know about my insecurities about wings, but I just can't help it.

My elf seemed to sense my mood and swayed his horse near me. "Are you okay? Your scent seemed upset."

"It's nothing baby, let's talk about this at home alright?" I said and gave him a small smile to reassure him that I'm fine.

We arrived in front of a porch that has a lovely small cottage standing beside an apple tree. My home did not change a lot, it's still the homey little cottage that had a running river a few feet from the backyard and hosts a lovely array of flowers in the garden. I motioned my elf to come down as I took the horses to a stable just beside the apple tree.

"So... Here's my childhood home." I said with a shy smile.

"It's lovely baby." Kymil said and kissed my forehead before hugging me. "I feel honored to be someone you bought here. Let's see your mom?" He said with a gentle smile that made my heart skip a few beats. Damn, my elf is really handsome.

"Sure." I held his hand and led him to the front door. Knocking thrice at the reddish mahogany door, I found myself standing in anticipation as the door open, revealing a homey floral and honey scent as a woman with dark brown hair and green eyes appeared in front of me with a gasp.

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