Chapter 3

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"Eli, sweetie can you take this to table 3?" Holly said while handing me a tray of black coffee with a piece of croissant.

"Got it, anything else?" I asked while taking it off her and going out of the counter. Holly is a sweet little faerie that handles the pastries and desserts. She's a ball of energy that seems to bounce from here to there, much like Hyfel, except a bit toned down. It's a slow day today. Just a couple of costumers probably because of the heavy snow falling outside. Ah, that's just so beautiful.

"That's all sweetie, thank you." She said before disappearing to check her tray of French macarons. Kymil haven't found his way back here yet since yesterday. I'm guessing he's back into the palace grounds for some work. Hyfel told me he checks in once in a while there before hanging back here in the café. Seriously, does the guy have any other life aside from here?

"I see someone missing a certain elf~" Hyfel sang while he mops down the floor.

"I'm not missing anyone."

"Didn't said it was you~" He sang again making me send him an annoyed look.

"It was implied! Stop it!" I whined with a pout before hopping down the chair and taking a small cup to water the little bonsai tree that I bought to bring life in my otherwise empty counter.

"I swore I saw you looking at the door with longing babe, don't worry. Boss doesn't usually take his time—oh here he is." Hyfel chided and I looked at the door who opened, revealing the tall elf that seemed to get even more handsome as the day pass. He's wearing a dark green coat today that just looks sinful in him. Fuck me, I feel so thirsty all of a sudden. I hate this beast.

"Hey Hyfel, hey Eli..." Kymil greeted with a grin as he dusted off the snow from his shoulders. "God, I hate the weather. Have you been to north before? I swear my ball shriveled up." He said while shuddering at the thought.

I got up and went to my working area, preparing him a cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon, his favorite.

"I thought you went south this time boss." Hyfel said as he rested his arm on top of the mop handle.

"Ah no, we got to check the borders by the north, I don't know why it's necessary to send me. It's freezing out there." He said before settling down on the soft chair by the window. I walked toward him with a cup in my hand before placing it in front of him.

"Here, warm yourself up." I said with a smile. "I don't know about you people and why you hate the winter. I love winter, it's the greatest thing."

"It's great until your socks got soaked up wet and your nose gets frostbite. If it is up to me, I'd say summer is pretty great." The elf said and I just scoffed as he took a sip from his cup. "Oh yes, that's beautiful. I love it."

"Well sorry to inform you that you can't have those things in summer." I said while pointing to the cup. "No hot chocolate, no scarves, no warm hugs, no snow and no cuddles—I'd say winter is still awesome."

"I don't get warm hugs and cuddles in winters though."

"Not my problem."

"Come here then, give me some." The elf said making me stop on my tracks and look at him with disbelief in my face. Our eyes met and it seems like we're having this little staring contest before I looked away in embarrassment as my cheeks warms up.

"Oh my god! I can't believe the two of you. Just kiss already." Hyfel said making Kymil choke on his hot chocolate and go into a coughing fit, I immediately tool a cup of water from the counter before running and making him drink it as I rub his back.

"Hyfel!" I scolded in embarrassment.

"Kymil, look at him. His ears are totally red!" the dryad said while laughing. The audacity of this idiot.

I felt Kymil look at me and grin before licking his lips as e chuckle. "Your ears, they're so adorable." He said and reached out. He held the side of my face and I let out this embarrassing screech before covering my mouth and falling on my butt.

"Chaos, that is both adorable and too cheesy, I'm out of here, You two should talk things out." Hyf said and disappeared into the counter to tend to the costumer who just stepped in.

I heard a cough in front of me and I looked up. "The floor doesn't look too comfortable Eli," he said and helped me up before smirking and pointing at the chair. "Why don't you take your break now?" he asked and I just dumbly nodded. To be fair, you'd also be dumbfounded given that this gorgeous elf is in front of you, looking so handsome.

"You know, It's not fair." He said as soon as we sat down.

"Hmm?" I asked in confusion while sitting down after I removed my dark green apron.

"You. You're not fair. You can't just look that adorable and expect no reaction from me." He said while biting his bottom lip and I just giggled. That is so cheesy! What the hell?

I laughed and now it's his turn to look at me with confusion. "Oh my god! You're horrible at flirting!" I said while wiping the sides of my eyes.

"What? It's true though! You're so cute!" He said as he leaned by the table. I looked at him and our face is just so close that I could lean in and immediately feel his lips collide with mine.

"You're so close," I said. Totally mesmerized looking at his eyes. It's like the forest—dark and deep. "Your eyes... they're so green. I-it's beautiful." I said while holding my breath in.

"Eli, you're beautiful." He said before sucking a deep breath in. "Go on a date with me. Sunday." He said. He's been asking me about that Sunday date we are supposed to have and I haven't given him a response yet so he's thinking maybe I'm not gonna come. "Please?"

"I..I'll think about it." I said while blinking as he seem to come even closer."

"I'll pick you up at 1:00." He said and tucked my short brown lock behind my ear.

"I... I told you—"

"We'll have fun, Love." He said and smiled. "I won't take no for an answer."

I leaned back a bit before averting my gaze. Will you look at that pot outside, it looks good.


I sighed and smiled at him. "Fine. I'll go on a date with you Mr. Elasandoral."

"I'm glad we're on terms now, Mr. Fernosia. You won't regret it." He said, making me giggle.


"Should I wear something like a dress shirt or should I—Hyfel! Oh no! I don't have anything to wear!" I said over the phone. It's Saturday night and I'm here, worrying over what I should wear to our little date. Kymil told me we'll be having dinner after we go around the lake and the museum so I'm a bit worried if I should just wear a tee-shirt under my coat or should I wear something dressy since we're having dinner afterwards.

"Stop being a drama queen and show me what you've picked." He said and I immediately showed him the two set of clothes I placed on my bed. I have a simple peach statement shirt on the left and on the right, I have this blue cardigan that I'm gonna wear over a white shirt.

"Go with the Cardigan babe, you can wear it with a black denim or something and a white sneaker." He said as he looked at the selection. "Oh! Bring a shawl too, you'll look adorbs in it. Absolutely."

"Thank you Hyfel, you're really a lifesaver." I said and we both said goodnight and I decided to clean all the clutter in my room.

Tomorrow is the day. I don't know if the date is gonna go well but whatever happens—happens. I have long decided to accept all the things that will happen in my life. Maybe the elf is gonna be a good thing for me. First, he's a great guy, very cool and second, he—he makes my heart skip a beat. I don't know why but I feel like Kymil is gonna be a good thing that will happen in my life. Call it a dwarves' intuition.

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