CHAPTER 28 & 29

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Chapter 28


Hmmm... who the heck is waking me up when it's not even five minutes since I fell asleep? Well, whoever that is will gonna be having a taste of my fists cause I am so fucking tired from fighting all those flying things—I will end them.

"Kymil..." the voice called again.

Pretending not to hear anything. I continued sleeping, not opening my eyes even once to see who the hell is trying to wake me up. Whoever the hell that is can fuck himself with a 10 foot pole.


"What!?" I finally snapped and sat up—only to find myself in a very strange place. Where the hell am I? And why is it raining pink petals everywhere? This is so weird.

"Finally. You're awake." A voice said and I roamed my eyes around the whole place. Am I in Kyran and I's secret place? Because it literally looks like I am here—but no, I think it's not quite the same.

"Where am I?" I asked and looked around to find two males materializing before my eyes. They are dragonoids. The same as my appearance when I am half shifted, they looked at me with glinting silver and gold eyes—pretty much the same as Kyran and my own orbs. "Who are you?"

"You are in the mountain of Ulysses, my boy." The guy with gold eyes said. "I knew you are familiar with the appearance of this place as you and your twin claimed a cave at the east side of this mountain." He said and I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Mount Ulysses? The mountain of the Gods? I don't understand—our cave is underground—"

"Your twin is too smart for us to handle, how he convinced you to lay a claim in the holy lands during your 52nd cycle is beyond me." The one with silver eyes said and shook his head. "Too bad he's an idiot denser than rock when it comes to emotions."

"I don't know why you called me here." I said and cautiously looked for an exit. It's strange how I was sleeping in a tent and woke up here in just a matter of minutes. Anyways, I don't think staying here any longer is a good idea.

"Might as well we show you why you're here." He said and suddenly, I feel like I'm looking through someone's eyes, feeling the cold air with someone else's body. The scene is very's as if I am...

"It's Ledenica." I said and just watched as the body I am in walked around slashing enemies. It's black and white and I strangely don't feel anything—no guilt, no remorse... nothing as I slashed the enemies down. I don't even feel the pain when someone accidentally slashed me. I feel like I am numb and empty. Even the cold air around me doesn't bother my skin anymore. Strangely, I don't feel any emotions and it's frightening.

"What is this?" I asked and tried to pull my consciousness away from the body. This person—they don't feel anything, they are like trapped in a cage of nothing. It's both sad and scary at the same time. "I don't want this, get me out of here." I struggled and I felt my consciousness separating from the body and I was back into the stone bench surrounded by the petals while the two males are in front of me.

"How was it?" the man with the silver eyes asked and I glared at him.

"You just placed me in that hell hole? How do you think I would feel?" I snapped and panted heavily with my nerves shooting up.

"I suppose you know how Kyran feel now." The golden eyed male said making me snap my head to his direction.

"What?" I asked in horror.

"Your twin is cursed, Kymil." Silver said and helped me up, seating me down the stone bench. "That was Dietrich's doing. He cursed your brother and now he is trapped in his head, can't feel anything towards other people. He is going by his rational mind and that only."

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