CHAPTER 18 & 19

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Chapter 18

My twin. Kyran. My twin is hurt and I am not there to aid him—I failed to protect him like how we promised each other.

Krion must've sensed my panic as he suddenly turned me towards him and tapped my face.

"Calm down, your scales are showing." He said and I looked at him in fear.

"My twin—Kyran—"

"I know." He said and nodded at the fae to disappear after he removed his memory. "Your twin is safe. Otherwise the barriers would've immediately collapsed. Use your head Kymil." He said, making me calm down a bit.

"They are declaring war." I said and paced around the barrier. They wouldn't attack Kyran just like that. Besides, Kyran is very strong. He's powerful enough to take on anyone but to see how he had fallen after that attack, I have a feeling that this is a different enemy we are facing now.

"Yes they are." Krion agreed and appeared to be deep in thought. "They have guts attacking Kyran like that."

"This is why we need to go now." I said and dissolved the barrier surrounding us.


"To Ledenica."


"Kymil, love." Elixir greeted with a huge smile before launching himself towards me in a warm hug. I chuckled at his action before spinning us together and kissing him straight in the lips.

"I missed you too." I said before putting on the music and swaying us together. "You are so beautiful today. Did you dress up for me?" I asked while eyeing his simple tunic that hugged his body well.

"I am always beautiful." He giggled and I peppered kisses against his plump cheeks. "How was work? Did anything good happen?" He asked, letting me go so I could put down my sword and equipment. I sighed and licked my lips before facing my beloved with a troubled expression I tried hard to conceal.

"Let's talk about that after dinner, okay?" I said before engulfing him in a hug. Fuck, I haven't departed yet but my heart knows that this will be the hardest thing ever. I feel like my heart is breaking already.

"Okay." He replied albeit with hesitation. "Come, I made dinner. Look, its shepherd's pie and apple salad." He mused excitedly and led me to the dining table where a glass baking pan of shepherd's pie sat, cooked to my preference. I better savor everything my little Elixir made today. Who knows when I will be able to eat my baby's cooking again?

"Wow love, you really went out and made this for me?" I asked before sitting down the chair. Elixir eagerly served me some of his cooking. I reached for the dinner rolls, taking a bite with a smile and thanking Elixir for the food.

"I don't know why we're not married yet. I'm going to die happy with your shepherd's pie." I said, moaning at the bite I just took while leaving my lover's face flushed bright red.

"I spent years perfecting that so you better eat well." Elixir said and ate as well.

"I am eating to my fill—damn Elixir, these rolls." I said and took a bite of the buttery goodness that the home made dinner rolls offer. "You really are perfect."

"Oh stop it." My baby said with a heavy blush, hiding his flushed face behind his gigantic glass of pomegranate juice. I chuckled and reached my hand out, cupping his face.

"You are my perfect Elixir." I sincerely said and leaned in, kissing him slowly.

"Why do I feel like I am about to hear some bad news?" Elixir asked in a whisper, looking up at me with worried eyes. "Am I missing something, Kymil?"

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