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Chapter 10

A pregnant pause resounded around the room as I closed the door. Kymil settled down the bed, sitting comfortably at the soft mattress. I can totally see gears turning in his head. I'm not really surprised he's thinking about what mother had hinted—my insecurities as a fae, well let's just say it's something mother and everyone in Fleur knows since I failed to get my wings during the flowering of my 52nd cycle—I got maturity and magic. Heck I even excelled at everything I did, but never, never did my wings made an appearance.

"I know you wanted to ask about what my mother probably means." I said, breaking the long silence that resided in the room.

Kymil looked up before biting his lower lip and sighing. "Okay. I'll admit that I'm very intrigued about what your mom said." The elf said and motioned me to sit beside him. "But I want you to take your time and tell me yourself what she means about you being a warrior. I can wait you know, have faith in your unborn children's father."

I simply smiled at the idiot's statement before hitting his arm and sitting beside him. "You're sounding very confident with that, I haven't even agreed to be your lover."

"Well I know for sure that I am never letting you go." My handsome elf just gave me a warm comforting smile as he cupped my cheek with his right hand. "I'll wait for you to tell me."

"I think," I started before taking his hand from my cheek and kissing his knuckles. "I think you deserve to know. After all, everything is in the past and I have only one thing to do—to move forward."

I sucked a huge breath to steady myself before leaning my head on his shoulder. "You know the reason I went to Mairaxias right?" I asked and I felt Kymil gave me a nod. "I lied, applying for academy as a professor isn't really the main reason why I moved to Mairaxias—it's actually because I was rejected by the military."

"Rejected? But babe, as far as I know, the Baracca doesn't just reject anyone who doesn't have any physical or mental problems." Kymil pointed out and held my hand, intertwining his with my own.

"Uh-huh." I agreed and sighed yet again. "You still don't realize it, don't you?" I asked and Kymil gave me a look of pure confusion, brows drawn together as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry babe but you've lost me. Is there any abnormalities I don't know about? I know you don't have two dicks hiding back there. I seen you naked and I know you're physically perfect."

"Don't try to place in some flattery there, sex is still not happening unless I say so." I rolled my eyes at him and flicked his forehead. "We're both not ready for kids and I haven't got a birth control injection yet—anyways, back to the story." I said and crossed my legs while turning to him. "I'll give you three try to guess why they rejected me."

Kymil appeared to be in deep thought before tuning to me and sitting criss cross on the bed. "Uhh, your height?"

"I will murder you."

"Then umm, you're too... uhh girly?"

"You can forget about doing it all the way." I deadpanned and Kymil whined.

"Aww. Come on, it's too hard to guess—babe you may not know this but you are totally perfect in my eyes—just tell me what it is." He said and pulled me to his lap.



"I said, its wings." I mumbled and it seemed to take Kymil aback. "I don't have wings, Kymil."

"That's... I didn't even—I don't know why but I have forgotten about the part where you're a half fae or a half dwarf... I was just so used to you know, seeing you as you." He said in astonishment.

"I waited for my wings ever since I learned faes are supposed to have one. As you can see, I may be a Halfling but I grew up in a totally fae environment. My mom is the head of this portion of the village and I just kind of became comfortable at the fact that I am really a fae." I said and began playing with the loose thread of my shirt. "Imagine my devastation when I am almost 80 cycles old and the faes younger than me already had their wings."

"That's unfortunate babe." The elf said and lifted my head up. "You may not have those but to me, you're perfect already"

"Thank you, Kymil. That means a lot to me."

"So will you tell me about that soldier thing?"

"Of course," I said with a smile and just pinched his cheek. "A lot of professor believed I was really good at physical activities, I first yielded a sword when I was 20 cycles old. Of course they are gonna have high hopes seeing I am also a half dwarf—So I applied to be a part of the military."

"Elixir, you have a very natural aura when it comes to magical manipulation! I can't wait for you to finally become a full pledge fae!"

"Look at him! He's intelligent! I can definitely see his highness finally picking someone from our race to lead a platoon!"

"I'm sure your wings would be as wonderful as your mother's wings, Elixir—and probably stronger!"

"Maybe you're just a late bloomer?"

"Eh? You're 80 cycles? That mustn't be right, where's your wings?"

"He's probably not gonna grow one."

Not gonna grow one huh...

It was probably the first heartbreak I ever had since father died. I was not given a proper celebration for coming of age, it was just me and my mother eating out and having cake when we got home instead of the usual feasts that most of my childhood friends have when they come of age. I wasn't given a chance to go to the fae preparation school so I just attended the mixed-pot one. It wasn't really bad but I was the only fae, most of them are probably shape-shifter, there are a few dryads and occasionally some dwarves but it wasn't the same. It's never gonna be the same as being in a school where you look forward to attending.

"So what happened then?" Kymil asked, waking me out of my stupor before tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"I attended a normal school." I said and looked at the violets by the window. "And then applied for the military where I didn't just became a laughingstock at the first day but I was also managed to become the platoon's joke every time we have a flying lesson. Mom finally had enough and withdrew me from the academy." I casually said and hopped off his lap, taking our bags to the bed to unpack. It's not like the academy hurt me—okay, I was definitely bullied and threatened but beside the point, I'm still me.

"It wasn't really bad, I mean, I loved what I learned when I went to higher education for the basic race education—I loved being there but, the academy, being a soldier, it's still something that makes me feel inadequate."

"I am glad you didn't make it." Kymil said with a serious face making me look at him with furrowed brows. "Don't get me wrong but if you did become a soldier, we wouldn't have met—or maybe if we did you wouldn't probably give me a spare of your attention."

Kymil stood before me as he engulfed me in a hug that I am so familiar with. "I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad I was able to meet you too Kymil." I said and tiptoed, giving him a passionate kiss that made my toes curl and my heart beat a million times a minute. "I wouldn't trade what we have for the world, my darling."

I love you, my elf. 

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