Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Good afternoon ma'am, welcome to the Green Tavern, what can I get you today?" I asked my costumer with a smile.

Yes, I am officially working for Sir Kymil for two weeks now. I man the counter from 3 pm until closing time and so far so good. I get paid every two weeks and everyone had been nothing but nice to me, especially sir Kymil who seem to frequent here a lot now and my chaos he is very handsome. The more I think about him, the more problems I have in the morning. He's just... ethereal specially when he have this fucking gorgeous man bun or ponytail, I swear, I'm sure I need two cycles before I get fertile but my god he gets me hot every day and there's nothing I can do about it. Elves are pretty high standard compared to a half dwarf half fae like me. I shouldn't go into that direction cause I'm pretty sure there's a sign up ahead that spells 'rejection zone'.

"I'm going to repeat your order ma'am, one large caramel latte and a regular croissant. Is that all?' I asked and the woman nodded with a smile before giving me her car which I easily swiped. "Here's your number ma'am, our waiter is gonna serve it to you in five to eight minutes." I smiled and sat down on my chair. It's pretty hectic today and I'm thankful for all the help Hyfel offered but I can only ask for too much since he has to go already.

"Eli." I feel a hot breath on my earlobe making me jump in surprise.

"Sir Kai!" I said while pouting. "I told you not to do that, I can seriously get a heart attack from you."

The elf just laughed and ruffled my hair. "I'm sorry Eli, you're just so adorable when you jump like that," he said before letting me sit on the chair again. "You're like a cute little kitty."

"Excuse me, I am not little, I am 5'7 for your information." I said and rolled my eyes. "What are you even doing here boss, aren't you like supposed to be tending to our guests?"

"I'm done with that shit, it isn't nearly as satisfying as hanging out with you. " he said and I just huffed. No heart, he don't mean it like that.

"You're just escaping your socializing duty again." I muttered while standing up to wipe the counters.

Kymil laughed and leaned by the place I'm cleaning. "We both know Hyfel and Holly does enough socializing for the both of us."

"True, but now you're disrupting my work, shoo peasant." I teasingly said and patted his arm so I can clean the counter more.

"Wow, this is how you treat your boss." He snorted and poked my sides making me laugh.

"No, please, spare me. I got children to feed." I managed while he's still tickling me.

"Oh no, not until you say 'let me go your highness'." He said and I just choked on my laugh before throwing my head back.

"P-please. I give! Let me go your highness!" I laughed and he just set me down on my seat again. "You're so mean, elves aren't supposed to be mean, why are you so mean?"

"I assure you, there are elves that are worse than me, you should meet my brother—he'll freeze your ass with just a glare." He said while shuddering as if reliving a horrible memory.

"Nope, you're the worse." I said and wiped my sweat with a paper towel.

"Uh huh, I should make it up to you then." He said and leaned forward so we're face to face. "I should treat you to a date. How about 1:00 pm Sunday? Let's meet by the Glacian Lake."



"Cool, let's grab dinner after then." He said and smiled.

"But I haven't—"

"You'll learn very soon that I don't take no for an answer when I want someone." Kymil said and winked at mea. Oh lord chaos—what am I supposed to think about now?


"Oh my fucking god! Kymil did what!?" Hyfel asked and fanned his face with his hand like the lunatic he is. We're currently having breakfast and I'm considering murder for this guy that just wouldn't calm down for a second. Chaos fucking lord I swear, with all the shit he's doing, it's me who's having my energy drained and not him.

"Will you calm down Hyf, I should've bought duct tape for your mouth. You're so loud." I said in a hushed voice and he just giggled.

"Boy. It's Kymil we are talking about. He's an elf and oh no he's not just a fine elf—he's a god damn fine one at that!" He said before drinking his java chip. "Besides, Kymil doesn't date—I haven't seen him get interested in anyone, that guy is stingy!"

"I know! That's why I'm freaking out. This isn't supposed to be like this, oh chaos, what if his parents doesn't approve of us and oh no! That's horrible, I don't wanna go to that thought yet, let's not explore that again." I said and covered my face with my palm.

"Babe, wait. You're thinking too far, it's just a date. Why don't you give him a chance? Kymil is a good guy, I sure hope you know that by now." The dryad said while playing with his straw. "And you got four days to think this over, enough time Eli."

I sighed and just continued eating. What if I tell him I don't feel well and we should just cancel. That's a horrible idea, I'm a horrible person and this is enough reason on why Kymil isn't supposed to date me. While he's the sky, I'm just a lowly dirt. And that's an analogy that is also horrible.

"Elixir,I know what you're thinking about. Stop it." Hyfel said as he threw a piece of napkin on my face. I sighed and took a sip from my lemon ice tea.

"I wasn't thinking about anything hideous." I said and licked my lips while looking outside the huge glass panel. "I mean, I don't really see why he's interested in me. We're just too different. He's an elf, and you know how elves are. They're basically the elite of this society while I'm just err—a half dwarf and half fae?"

Hyfel just looked at me with this deadpan expression before flicking my forehead. "I told you already, Sir Kymil isn't like that. He's not your typically high strung elf—we'll he is a person of position in the army but come on, you don't have to be blind to see how good the guy is. He doesn't discriminate, besides, he's definitely hot,"

I bit my lip to stop myself from breaking into a smile. It failed and now I'm here bursting into a fit of giggles. Yes, Kymil is definitely hot and he towers over me in his height of 6 foot 2 inches but really it's not just that, his face is sharp and fucking handsome while his body is to die for. He's perfect, to me that is.

"I definitely agree with the hot part." I said and Hyfel smiled.

"Give him a chance babe, that's all I can say." The dryad said before finishing his latte.

Well, I guess my boss deserves that much.

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