CHAPTER 30 & 31

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Chapter 30

Elixir's POV

"Ow." I whined in pain as a thorn pricked my finger while trying to watering the plants as a part of my daily routine and so called 'exercise' since I am pretty much not allowed to move a lot with the twins I am carrying. I am huge and fat and ugly and I hate myself cause I always crave things that are not really things that I would eat way back when I wasn't pregnant.

Take for example. Just this morning I was craving for boiled quail eggs and lettuce. FUCKING SMALL ANNOYING EGGS and LETTUCE that I abhor when I wasn't pregnant. But now, I absolutely love them and I'm blaming the angels my soon-to-be-husband put in me.

"Elixir? Are you alright?" I heard mom call from the backdoor a few feet away from the garden.

"I'm fine! Just got pricked by a bush." I called back and turned the tap off before waddling into the house. Holy mother of hen, this watermelon is really huge.

"You really should be careful Kymil." Mom said and ushered me inside before sitting me down by the dinner table with Yerin peeling off potatoes casually.

That's right. Yerin is still here and he's pretty much a big help. He's guarding me and takes care of me almost 24/7 and he gets this weird protective barriers around the place. His husband—yes, husband since apparently he's already married to a Golem shifter, always help him with the stuff I need for my baby that is to be born a cycle and a week from now. He's like my personal doctor slash assistant and I am really thankful that Dalian introduced him to me, otherwise this whole duration of my pregnancy would have been really stressful.

"They are really growing well." Yerin commented as he looked at my very round stomach.

"Yes they are." I proudly stated and the two little angels inside me moved around at the compliment. Every time they move, even if they're like playing with my organs, my heart always flutters—they do it a lot especially when their father is calling and it makes me warm all over.

Speaking of Kymil, we don't get to talk a lot. He's getting really busy and I don't need to ask him about how the war is because it's all over the news and it's getting really scary when a few beasts got into the mountain borders just a couple of miles away from Mairaxias. I try not to think about it a lot. It's stressful and it just leads to me being anxious and that's not good for the baby, neither for my heart since the one I love is fighting over there. I am trying my best to stay positive though—I trust Kymil and I know he's coming back to me as promised.

"I'm gonna rest in my room." I announced as a yawn broke out my face and I waddled to the bedroom with Yerin's help. It's harder to move these days so I moved into a vacant room on the first floor rather my old childhood bedroom.

I really want Kymil to come home. The pregnancy is getting really hard without him here by y side and I have to stop myself from crying every day. I haven't wrapped my head around the fact that I am carrying twins too so there's that. I have a lot of questions to ask him when regarding about what's happening and why the hell I am pregnant with twins.

"I'll call you once dinner is ready." Yerin said and I nodded with a thank you. He placed a water bottle on the bed side table before he left with a wave while I got myself comfortable under the covers.

"I miss your daddy." I said to my kids while rubbing my stomach. I earned a faint kick in response to that. "I know, I know. You miss your daddy to, huh. I wish I could tell him babies but daddy is out there fighting the bad guys to keep us safe. Daddy is so heroic right?" I smiled and continued rubbing as my two little angels began moving around my stomach.

"Your daddy will love the idea of us being a family—oh yes he will," I chuckled when I felt a kick on my hand. "He'll be home before you see the world and I am so excited to see you my sweet hearts so hang in there and grow healthy, okay? Cooperate with mommy—I love you both so much, mommy and daddy loves you so much." I whispered, feeling emotional and I think my kids felt it too as they settled down, only moving gently as if to console me. I need Kymil so bad—I need him, his babies needs him and this war is so fucking annoying since it's the cause why I can't see him and be with him as much as I want.

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