warning ⚠

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mature story 18+ contain.
If your below than 18 so please don't read this book or if you feel uncomfortable or not a erotic book reader feel free to leave this story.
              Content included
              ‹ mature themes
              ‹ sex scene
              ‹ Trigger warning
Do not copy my work I only going to post on wattpad if someone see my work anywhere else please let me know.

All rights reserved ©️ 2021 by readwritealive .

(I dont own any media, it's all own by their respective owners. Any media in my book are from Pinterest and google) .

I do not support to any wrong doings, whatever happen in this book is totally from my imagination to make it look relatable. This book is pure fiction and my pure imagination.

Starting - 18.07.21
Finished -


Dominating photographer 18+ ( Erotic Story )Where stories live. Discover now