Chapter 34

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The intimacy of avoiding their eyes,
Just because you know
how hard you will fall in love
if you meet their gaze.


Lucas pov

I was at the bar drowning myself in liquid when markie slap my shoulder, pulling me out of the deep conversation I'm having with myself. Aurora question threw me off guard. I know who's she to me but at that time when she ask I dont have any word to tell her. I don't have any courage nor confidence to tell her freely what exactly she is to me. The words stuck in my throat and ofcourse she have to take it in a bad way. The instant change of her expression and how fast she move away from me like im burning her is clear indication that I hurt her . I hurt her feeling, my dumb self is finally threw me down tonight. The night was so good, the day started so right. We we're enjoying ourselves even the presence of my dad and my step mother didn't bring out the Worst from me, because she is with me. Standing right beside me, and the only reason of my calmness, the only person that hold my beast in bay. Keeping him in a leash, controlling him. Our night was turning in a good way. I was just going down to her, but her one question halt me. Before my heart can answer her my dumb self, my selfish mind stopped me.

I have been told I'm stupid which I never accepted, but now I know I'm stupid and, its my fault only that she left like that. I get that she is upset but not when she is with me. My irrational brain started working now and the started connecting dots of how she behaved, the emotions turmoil inside her, her expression, the tears on her cheeks that hurt me more than I want to admit. I want to wipe her tears, holds her in my arms, tell her that I wanted to answer her question because I have the same question like her, which I needed an answer of. But my dumb stupid self fucked up everything and I gonna curse myself for this.

I rubbed my hand on my face the frustation getting the best of me. I brewed myself a cup of coffee and drank the toxic liquid in like my life depends on it. I have few errands to run today so i don't know i can make to the office today or not. And i think its better to keep a little distance with aurora so she dont feel any type of suffocation or pressured because of me. She need time and i will give her exactly that.

The day went fast doing some underground errands. I have to meet with a rogue one of my freind from illegal world. He's a fighter just like me, even if I left that world but I still go there. My name is big and people respect me there, and this is the one secret I want to keep from aurora. It's not safe for her to drag her with me here. It's a part of my life, and if I let her in in my life than the chaos of my life follow her everywhere. She will be danger because of me and I can't do that to her. She is so pure like an angel, and my world is pure dark with no white, only black.

A girl never hold me like the way she holds me. I never attract or attached to any girl like my life depends on her. I'm dark, dominating, heartless devil like people call me. From whom the world fear. They're the people who is scared of me they're the people worship me like I'm there god, they're even the people who envy me and make me their enemy which I gladly become. The mores the enemy the mores the power. I'm just a devil that just fuck and never love. I love to play with the whips and chain. I like the red color marks on my submissive back and the sound of their pain. But don't know what did happen the air changes and suddenly the Mr dominating losses his intrest in other.

When she happen.

I can't say it's was the love at first sight. What I'm saying? Where the hell this love word came from? Shit! she's making me crazy, a lovesick puppy. But she had this effect like that. she's different, her aura her beauty, her laugh, her smile, her kinky side. Everything is different and I liked it . she's annoying too I dont lie, she literally irks my beast but she's she nonthless.

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