Chapter 2

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  My heart is beating like crazy.

Chill bro! Why are you beating so fast? i asked myself and give a little pat over my heart. Not worring much and with a huff i enter in Big boss, office building .

Everyone is in business suits here some gave me a nasty look probably judging me for my not so appropriate clothing and some give me little assuring smile which doesn't help to calm my nerves but it's still feel good and some people are to busy to even see anything else....

I continue my way to reception desk and asked the brunette receptionist "boudoir photography" aka Mr black office floor number which she gladly told me and wish me best of luck , I thanked her and make my way to elevator.

His office located at 111th floor of 273 fifth avenue office building. The inner entire is beautiful as the exterior, the full building have glass walls, even the elevator is magnificent, some soft music playing in the elevator which help to soothe my nerves little.

After almost 15 minute ride I finally got on 111th floor and head towards little receptionist who told me to take a left where Mr black office situated and his assistant office is joined to his. If we want to go in his office we have to pass his assinstant office, I find his office door. A huge sign of relief left from me.

I knocked on the door but no one answered, after debating with myself what to do I finally open the door, where a red hair chubby face woman is talking with herself like mad even a curse words are their in a line with something like "oh my fuck why she is not here, if Mr black see this he going to fire her without taking a interview and I would be sue too!".

She continue her babble for few time and suddenly stand from her sit and stare at me like a hawk. I nervously fiddle with my skirt, after some pregnant silent she giggle cutely and then a little more, in a few minutes she is full on laughing I can't help but crack a smile too on her antics.

Then she take a few deep breath to calm herself and told me to take a seat, she sat herself " hello, I am Ava knights assistant of Mr black" she introduced herself with a handshake .

"Nice to meet you I am aurora Watson"  I told her with little smile .

"Thank Jesus you are here before Mr black he doesn't tolerate tardiness" she said. But he is tardy person here... I think my self but doesn't dare to say it out loud. I don't want to loose this job without even giving interview as ava said.

Just then the door behind me open with force and then a male voice. No a angry male voice. pass into my ear almost making me deaf .

Ava stand suddenly almost knocking the chair to wall, I followed her.. stand myself with little aggressively than her and swiftly turn around to see the person who trying to make me deaf .

But then no words left my lips I stood there still like statue, staring at the man or should I say Greek God. my pupils dilated my mouth is slightly open too may be there is drowl leaking from my open mouth & then realization hit me .

I become aware of my surroundings someone penetrating a hole in my head with his green grey eyes. Still in little daze I roam my hand over my face to check if drool is actually trailed down or not but thank God! their is none. I keep my self to further embarrassenent because from the sudden atmosphere change & pin drop silence, I officially known as crazy now. geez

I think I admired him more than its necessary now he definitely think of me as a creeper. Which I definitely going become if I have to see this man everyday.

How can i will stop myself from staring at this beautiful man , who surrounded with this invisible thick aura of dominance with his intimating 6"2 height, even a dominant woman will switch and submit to him but in my case I don't need to switch . He is in all black... black suit , black shoes with black shirt I think his socks even doesn't live colorful life .

May be I know now why Mr black is Mr black... few upper buttons are undo of his shirt that gave me chance to see a rose tattoo on his neck which is hiding under his collar .

I want to see this man shirtless, want to savour his tatted body which is definitely will be hard as steel, his fiting body suits telling me what the treasure hiding underneath.

The magazine cover page photos of him doesn't give him any justice, because what is front of me is not just hot bachelor, he is a God a hot sexy mouthwatering candy.. words can't describe how beautifully handsome this man is.

I have to come to a reality by myself before I embarrassed myself any further ..i took some deep breaths to calm my marathon running heart .

"Hello, Mr black I am Aurora Watson" I introduced myself without giving my hand to shake because first.  I don't think he will shake my hand and why I think of this? I don't had have any guesses?

Why would he want to shake a hand with a creeper like you?

My inner self bitched .she does this when she is jealous I don't seem like replying to her.

And secondly I don't think I can concentrate on current situation if I touch this man. My imagination already so wild. God knows where it gonna run after feeling his single touch!?

Mr black just threw me a little nod and turned his eyes to ava who staring at us with little amusement. After realizing that her current entertainers taken a break from their current k drama shooting and have a eyes on her, she immediately take her assistant role and understand what his boss want without exchanging any words.

I turned by my eyes toward where Mr black standing but their is no one.he went to his office.

"He is expecting you in his office in five minutes be ready "ava told me and turned to coffee maker probably making coffee for her boss.


What do you guys think 🤔 what type of questions will Mr black going to ask to miss Watson ??

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