Chapter 30

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My soul
has traveled
Long and far
to find

                                  - Ben Maxfield


     I woked up tangled between him. The sun is hitting on my face from the glass windows. The birds is already gone for their everyday hunting because it's late, almost 10.

Diana wedding going to take place at 1, so we still had some time to get ready. I choose to stay some more in this warm bed with this man. The huge arm draped over me in protecting nature, holding me tight and legs tangled with mine. Hair all messy and head as it is where I put yesterday night, on his biceps.

I turned around and throw my hands on his waist. He had beautiful face with cut sharp jaw, and those rough subtle. He had a very long lashes which I always craved for. The messy bed hair and pouty lips. God how can the man is this beautiful at the same time hot handsome and sexy.

I didn't noticed that the eyes filled with so much sadness anger frustration yesterday is now looking at me with those blue orbs in tenderness.

I touch his face delicately. I was debating on should I tell him my past or not? Can it will be okay? should I trust him? his husky morning voice frightened me and break the linking of unwanted questions.

"Good morning Rora" he whispered near my ear and his voice melt in my ear like honey.

"Morning" I greet him back after a second, still collecting my morning thoughts.

He lean and kiss my forehead. I instantly close my eyes. Wanting to capture this feeling, this scene forever.

I absent-mindedly draw the circles on his bare chest. I got enough of the unwanted battles over my thoughts.

"I was 17 when dad left this world-" my confession was unexpected for him. I can see that it's was shocking even for me, but he immediately recover rubbing his fingers on my bare shoulder.

"You don't have to tell me if you-" I interrupt him in between.

"I want to, let me" I assure him and he nods pecking my forehead ones more. It will soon going to turn into very bad habit.

"My dad death was heart shattering for me, for my mom. I were always a daddy's girl. He taught me riding even when mom scold him for doing that. Mom never like riding not after the accident happen with dad on some race" I tell him thinking about that day.

"He brought me my first bike and always told me to park mine beside his. They never knew I used to sneak out from home late at night for riding. I never took part in big ass competition but I did had my fare share of races." I still remember my sneaky habbits.

I laugh between my talk "One time Anna got little scratch when I was doing stunt. She was my partner in crime, she never try riding but she was with me as well as my other friends".

"On new year's eve my parents school friend was coming to our and their hometown first time after they shift to New York, so dad went to pick them" emotions swirling from my tongue.

"He was in hurry taking his car out of the garage but I stop him, plead him to take taxi so I can use his car to go with my friend. He gave me his car key's telling me it's OK, reasoned that it probably will be hard for him to drive in new year's night. And took the taxi.  On the way back to home with the guest he take other taxi because of the busy day the first driver left".

"They were unaware of the break fail and the accident happen. The car was little fast because the driver take other one way road which were usually clear of traffic.
But then suddenly the truck came from other side in full speed and the taxi driver loose his balance and car rolled down of road".

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