Chapter 22

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       I find Anna standing on the corner messing with her dress. she is making pout every now and then huffing and puffing the material up and down.

"hey" what's up? hmm you're looking gorgeous in this dress but...

" Yeah but it's looking too baggy on me" isn't it?  Uff! I have to try other one....i feel so tired . " I am telling you don't ever go for public wedding it will suck your all blood " She is babbling nonsense and I snicker at her words.

" Anna babe let's try the next one, we choose five dresses " why are you sweating so much ?

" Hmm Josh liked that one" she point out the long pluffy looking bow design gown and I instantly take liking in it.

But when did Josh see it? You're really video chatting with him all this time? Oh God what a crazy friends I had totally nuts.. I state and giggle.

"Hey hey "she swats my arms and I rub the burning skin OUCH. Nowadays Couples do that OK . "Don't judge me" she replies giggling and push me out of her trial room.

By the way from when did you have friends? don't you have only me? And I ask why only me she mumbles and I hit her back " you silly goose".

She laughed out loud "hey smart-ass I just made a new friend" go Try it out fast then, we goona meet her and you will be shock . I bet!

"Yeah? OK wait for me "she screams and bang the door behind her.

I was admiring the dress on racks . Waiting for Anna to come out when suddenly someone holds my wrist tightly and pull me towards the trial  room.

I was ready to scream but gulp it down when I see him pulling me . I try to tucked my hand out from his tight grip but he is not letting me go.

He forced me in and toss me on the wall of small room . Locked the door behind him and stand front of me.

I am wide eyed looking at him dumbfoundly. " We are on the heated stare but I broke it when it's get hard to continuously look into his deep eyes. "

Instead I looked over at mirror.  Try to set my hair with my hands and then fold it over my chest, making them more noticeable realizing it after his eyes went low and stop at my girls.

What's your problem Lucas? " Let me go" hmm. I try to side pass him but he is blocking the door. I try it again but he didn't budge. I am getting frustrated by his games so I try to push him side but he shove me back.

Bang my body on the wall , pinning me with his own strength and a hiss leave my lips at his sudden action.

What are you trying to do Lucas? I grit out the question but he is not answering.

ANSWER ME DAMMIT I screamed loudly at him.

Why are you screaming now huh? WHY ARE NOW? What happened to your tongue from yesterday? Why are you acting so strange?

I laugh at him I? Strange? Are you bipolar Mr black? Are you kidding me? Did I looked liked joke to you?

" Don't laugh at me Rora and don't be diplomatic, it's not time for that " answer me!

" Ohh now it's diplomatic WOW you really play dirty Mr black " .

" Don't act smart Rora think before you say anything , I am warning you ".

Who are you to warn me huh? I pushed him back mocking him . Who are you?


What Rora? Don't you have anything to say? How can you call me Rora... You do this everytime? started calling someone by there nick name? The someone you meet 10 minutes ago introduced by your sister, tell me?

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