Chapter 19

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Yesterday was so hectic and frustrating I was so fucked up that I just want to curl myself in my bed. The taxi ride to home from his penthouse was difficult task and makes me so tired.

First I stand there in rain for almost 20 minutes and not even a one vehicle pass by there after walking almost half of my way to home that's when a one taxi driver take pity on me and give me ride till my destination dropped me on the street of my apartment. God bless his soul.

And after that chilly shower from Mother Nature I get sick and now treating the runny nose and teary fever and the most fucked up thing is that I don't have anyone who will take care of me in this shitty condition.

I can't disturb my one and only friend now because she is not single like me she's starting her new life and I am happy for her. I am going to support her and understand her no matter what.  She has Every rights to get married and spend more time with her fiance and know each other more.

I am aware how much she will be get angry if she even sense my sickness so I am completely ignored contacting her today . She becomes my mom and her motherly nature was not something I want to deal for now. 

I roamed my hand on the soft matrix of my queen size bed it's not feel as soft as like the one Lucas have but it's still comfy.

I find my phone near my legs and pull it up using my legs instead of hands. I finally catch it in my right hand after getting some cramps and yes I realized it  I am getting really lazy day by day.

I open my eyes groggily rubbing my hands over them breaking the long lashes on the way.  I click the on button of my phone and the screen light up with the picture of me and anna laughing embarrassingly toward the camera, behind us was the beach were we spent our holidays together .

My eyes went wide on the time showing on the screen 8 pm are you joking me I slept for 10 hours already . I will be night owl tonight not getting any sleep  .

I washed up and went to fridge to get something to eat but find nothing appetizers. huff! My apartment feel so empty just like my fridge , it almost look like no one lives here a poor man probably have more decency in his kitchen as compare to mine.

My mom always told me that a real woman is who, whom can handle her kitchen with decency and have enough amount of food always packed up in the fridge.

She was the real woman , at least before she changed. she always had our kitchen neat and clean with fridge and cabinets fill with every possible item's.

The sadness wrapped around me thickly after realizing that all I have is memories, memories of my childhood my dad, my mother, my school days, the first time I went to college, my first date and how my father gave strict command to my date scared him away , how Anna and my family spend our vacation together that went laughing and smiling always, how we bunk and how our parents gave us same punishment which never feel like punishments to us.

Because we get time to spend and make new strategy to snuck out from the looked room . God there was so much good memories but again all is left is memories.

Tear poked my eye lids but I hold them back not want to be get weak by the past .the sad past. not want to be more miserable when I already was .

It's not that I can't make more friends but I choose to stuck on one "the more the merrier" is not applicable for me,  "less the best" is kinda fit for me.

I become scared to make more friends that few converted into close one and it's good, feel good with them but it sucks when they left.  Left you as a plague like you never was close to them and I was the one who get hurt everytime and it's my mistake the mistake I never correct or amend on.

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