||Chapter Nineteen||

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It had been two weeks now sinse he had stared the internship and life couldn't be going better for Peter.

Flash had deside to go on a two week holiday in the middle of the school year and want due back till next week. He was killing it at the internship.

May got a bonus and there was some mistake at the fertility clinic Richard and Mary Parker had went to which resulted in them giving May a rather large sum of money to stop her or Peter from suing. This meant that May didn't have to work as many extra shifts so she was at home more. Peter loved it as it gave him an excuse not to go out as spiderman without making him feel ectreamly guilty.

Speaking of spiderman he was making less aperances than usual. Still at lease once a day but he never stayed out long enough to attract the attention of the Avengers.

Now let's talk about how life has been going for the avengers. In the last two weeks their life has become extreamly completed, all thanks to one Mr Tony Stark.

It had all started when a fertility clinic was exposed to have maken quite a fatal mistake which triggered memory's from the infamous Tony Stank.

What were these memory's you may ask? Well they were memory's of a very drunk Tony, who had lost a bet to one of his collage "friends", going into the previously mentioned fertility clinic and freezing some of his sperm.

At the time it had seemed like a funny joke. That was until the clinic was exposed to haveing mixed up several sperm samples. Soon after Tony was informed that his sperm was one of the ones mixed up meaning if he didn't have a kid with one of his many hookups he almost definitely has a kid because of this medical mistake. What's worse:  they don't know who they mixed up his sample with.

So now the avengers have to deal with; rising numbers of active Hydra bases, Catching spiderman, Fury on their ass about 50 different things their doing wrong and now there is a mini stark running around which is causing big stark to lose focus on everything.

Well... Not everything.

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I found memes

I bet I have better memes

What are memes

Their like jokes but picture common old man

OoOoOoOo hE dIsSeD yOu

😮Pls tell me your joking Mr Steve.

... No?

You life must be so sad :/


Meme squad assemble!!!!

Smarty Meme squad assemble!!!!

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