||Chapter Twenty Three||

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Nat knew what was happening before it happened. All of the avengers swarmed around her and started to rapid fire questions one after the other.

"what does he look like?"

"What colour are his eyes?"

"Is he as nice in real life?"

"Is he smart?"

"Of course he is!! He interns here!"

" What the hell are you all talking about?"

Everyone slowly turned around. There stood, in all her anoyyed glory, Miss Pepper Potts


Peter couldn't believe it. And apparently neither could Aunt May.

"You actually asked her out?" amazed at her Nephews courage after months of pining.

"yes I did! I actually did!" Peter rambled excitedly. Telling may about his day was always something he looked forward to. Somethibg that no matter what, it would always happen.

"she told me to phone her to tell her about my lesson with Nat and she said something about wanting to go try out a new drink at this coffee shop she likes and I did it! I asked her out on a date there! I even said the word date so she knew for certain!"

May smiled as she looked at her favourite nephew" I'm glad you did, took you long enough"

"mayyyyyy" Peter whined embarrassed

"no I'm serious! Mj is a nice girl and watching you to skirt around your feelings has been torture" she laughed "now eat up! I think this is the only nice thing I've ever made and I don't want it going to waste"


"So let me get this straight" Pepper said as she passed back and forth in front of the sheepish avengers "you guys have been talking to a kid online and he's an intern here. You want to find out his identity but don't want him knowing yours yet and you don't know how to do that. And Nat is the only one who knows who it is?"

The avengers all looked at each other and nodded. That pretty much summed the situation up. What they didn't expect though was for pepper to continue with a sigh.

" I though you guys were meant to be smart"

Upon seeing everyone's confusion and the clear signs on her partners face that he was going to say something, she continued.

"off the top of my head I can think of at least three different ways you could find out:

1)go down to the internship lab, call or text him and see who answers

2)message him from your work phone and tell him to meet you at your office for a test. Whoever shows up is smarty

3) all of the inters had to give their phone number so we can contact the-just check that against the one you have."

There was silence as everyone thought about what idiots they were.

"actually make that four" pepper spoke up after a moment "you could just ask him what he scores on the entry test and compare it. Nobody got the same score and all scores got sent out to parents today"

Once again the avengers were quiet as they realised how easy it could have actually been to find out who smarty was.

Then Bruce spoke up.

"I'd actually like to know that last one. The test was made to be impossible: Tony scored 96.82% and I only scored 96.64% yet Smarty said it was easy"

"yeah that's cool and all but we could just get Nat to tell us who he is" there was another moment of silence after Clint spoke

"actually," Nat began with a smirk on her face "I think this way will be more fun"


Dinner actually did taste really nice. Sure Peter didn't know what it was meant to be but it tastes nice. With everything, spidermaning, school, the internship and just life in general Peter was glad to have a break.

"So not only are you on a first name basis with black widow, you also have nicknames?"

Peter pondered the question for a hot minuet, "I guess, she said to call her Nat and she calls me Ребенок паук"

"I can't believe your getting Russian lessons from the black widow. What a great thing to put on your resume and just think-/#"

May was cut off as her phone pinged on the table. As she picked it up she noticed the email, despite being sent to her was actually for Peter.

"its for you. Its the results from your entry test" she stated as she handed the phone over "well come on! What did you get?"

Antisipation filled him. He thought it was a realitivly easy test but still there had been some hard questions. Not just that but it's possibly he made dumb mistakes that lowered his overall score. He didn't know why, he's already gotten the internship, but he was nervous to get his results.

"I got..."

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