||Chapter Twenty||

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"Tony, " Pepper shouted through the locked doors to his lab. "TONY!". It took a few more shouts untill, finally, the infamous stark realised his wife to be was stood at the door.

"Fury is here" she sadly stated when he let her in, "he wants to talk about the um... Well the whole clinic situation"

Great. Fucking great!! Tony thought as he left the lab and made his way, hand in hand with Pepper, to what was bound to be the worse meeting of his life. And boy was he correct.

Almost as soon as he sat down Fury was shouting.

"A CHILD! A FUCKING CHILD!! Do you have any idea the dangerous situation you've put us in Stark?"

In fairness to Tony, the clinic was only meant to use the sample if he came back in, so really it's the clinics fault.

"wait" Clint interrupted "how is this dangerous? Even the clinic doesnt know which child is starks, there's no way it could be leaked in a way that could hurt us."

"yes it can, " Bruce piped up, "if the person who leaked the information about the mix up found out stark was involved then they may leak that and the names of all the kids to the press."

"not only would it put the kids in the media it would also make it easier for Hydra to use them against us" Steve added on

"Well what are we suppost to do then?" Tony stated sounding like a man dieing from pain and exhaustion.

It was a good point too considering they couldn't just take blood from each child and test it as that would be illigal without consent and if they got consent it would alert the media. There didn't really seem to be a good way of going about it. Fury though otherwise.

"Glad you asked Stark" Fury replied while pulling up a screen with 6 profiles on it "these are the 6 kids you are a possible father to. We're gonna narrow it down before conducting a more thurow search in person. Now first off:
Shania Archer

"can we see her full file with possible parents?"

"of course"

After skanning through the file and analysing the photos it was safe to say the girl was not starks.

"okay next is Alex Thurston:"

After much deliberation the team desided that there wasn't enough evidence to exlude Alex just yet. After going through each of the files one by one the team had safely excluded three kids while other other three were will in the running. Their names?

Alex Thurston,

James Smith


Peter Parker

"Congratulations Stark," Fury stated "You have a son"

Silence. That's what over took the room as the team plus Fury and Pepper waited to see Tony's reaction. However they didn't expect what came out of his mouth next.

"I know two of those boys" he said in the hollowest voice the team had every heard from Tony. It didn't last long however as he coughed and he returned to his usual bored business meeting tone. "The last two are both on the internship program. They work here"

Silence once again filled the room. This time though, it was Tony waiting for his team to react. Stopping them from invading the internship to look for Smarty was hard enough. Now he could also have a son down there. Maybe they new each other. Maybe they were friends. Maybe they didn't know each other at all.

Either way stopping the team from invading the intern lab was now going to be impossible. For supers spies Natasha and Clint were very opviosuly having a conversation with their eyes.

Wanda and Pietro were very clearly using wandas powers to talk. Pietro always makes faces as if he were actually talking and his lips move slightly making him look like an amature vantrilaquist.

The two super soildures simplely nodded at each other. That could mean anything but let's be real it probibly means their also gonna crash.

All around the room people were giving singles to other teammates. Making unspoken pacts to do what they can to infiltrate the inters lab.

"Okay I can see the looks you guys are giving. What's going on?" Fury asked, anoyyence evident in his voice.

"Nothing" most of the team replied in unison.


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