||Chapter Eleven||

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Avengers Tower was amazing! Every part of it! They had been given a tour of all the labs and offices and stuff. They had taken the test right after and they were now on their way to the best part of the tour. 

The lunch hall!

(a/n we call them dining halls in England- I don't know what you call them in america but i know its not dining halls)

Peter could here every little thing everyone said. Every conversation of every employee and every student made his ears ring and head ache. He could hear the grumbles of peoples stomachs the heavy footsteps of his fellow classmates as they rushed towards the line for food.

"Each access card has $20 on it for you to spend on food" the tour guide said, but peter couldn't concentrate on her. All he could concentrate on was the small tingle at the back of his neck telling him someone was watching him. 

Looking around, however, he found that everyone was focused on their own food in there own little group. The feeling of being watched did not fade until he sad down to eat and saw he had missing texts from the group chat.

*Hawk has added and named TrainBoi, BirdBoi, Miss Magic, Mr Speed and Sight*


Miss Magic? Seriously?

*Mr Speed has changes Mr Speeds Name to GoldSpeed*


Goldspeed is such a dumb name 


You spelt it wrong 


I sspet it the same way you did!!



And the 's' should be a capital


fuck you 


You know you want to 


-insert middle finger emoji because I cant find it-

Miss magic

You too fight worse than Steve and tony *This message has been deleted by miss magic*

You too fight worse than Mr kid and Steve

Also how do i change my name


come to the living room and I'll show you


Will you show me cause i do not like my name 


But you and BirdBoi match!


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