||Chapter Five||

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Everything was going pretty well on patrol for Peter. He had stopped a house from getting robbed and he had stopped a young woman from getting mugged in an ally (He then offered to walk her home but she refused) and he was now sitting back on a the roof of some random building. 

While flicking through his phone he heard footsteps on top of the building next to him.

"I'm in position" he heard the person say.

The he could hear another two pair of footsteps coming up the stairs of the building he was on. ugh S.H.E.I.L.D is back.

"We're almost at the door." he heard another voice say. This voice though seemed to be female. 

"You in position stark?"

Stark? Oh dear god! This isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. this is the fucking avengers. I've gotta move.

As casually as he could Peter stood up from the ledge. 

"He's moving" the voice from the building over said (Peter could also here it from the ear piece both Natasha and Steve were wearing Behind the door). 

"I'm in positions." He heard starks voice say. Then came the sound of repulcers from below. Before Peter could swing off he was face to face with the one and only Iron Man. 

"Stand down Spider-man. I only want to talk" he said as his helmet opened to show the tired face of Tony Stark. 

Peter was panicking. What did the avengers want to talk to him about. 

"Talk? What do you wanna talk about? You wanna talk about sandwiches cause i wanna talk about sandwiches!" Peter rambled nervously 

"We want you to join the avengers." Tony said straight "We want you to come back with us, and make you an official avenger... of course... we'l need your identity. "

"Ummmm, no?"

"No?" Tony asked shocked- who wouldn't  want to join the avengers? "Look, we need your identity and we can get it the easy way or the hard way."

"Or or or... and just here me out... you could not know my identity."

"The hard way it is then" as Tony said this his helmet closed over and the door behind Peter flew open to revel Black Widow and Captain America. 

And thus the fight had started. Captain Spangle Threw his Frisbee- bouncing it off of the ledge and causing it to head straight at peters back. Luckily his spider-sense warned him an he was able to dodge. 

Things were being fired left right and center. How Peter had yet to be hit is a mystery- I don't even know and I'm the fucking author! 

Danger Left! Danger Left! Danger left!  Peters spider-sense practically screamed at him. He was locked in hand to hand combat  with black widow and as he pushed he away he could hear the tell tail swoosh of an arrow. He dodged and in a split second he realized that it was now gonna it black widow right in-between the eyes. 

"Nat!" he heard a shout just as he reached out and caught the arrow he had just dodged. 

An uncommon feeling rushed through Nat- pure fear. She had been in near death experiences before but non like that. The arrow was millimetres from her face and the person who had saved her was non other that the person she was fighting against.

Being hit by the enemy is an occupational hazard but that was one of Clint's arrows. She was just almost killed by her best friend and that was a type of fear Nat had never felt before. 

There was about three seconds while everyone stood still breathing heavily trying to understand what had just happened. But that was all it look for Peter to get a head start on swinging away. 

They would let him off today in repayment but next time he will not be so lucky. 

Sorry that there is not texting in this chapter. Please don't forget to COMMENT  your thoughts and VOTE if you liked it. 

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