||Chapter Twenty Five||

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Breathing is something your meant to do.

Breathing is essential to life.

Well, maybe...

Wait no definitely.

Sleep is the debatable one.




Okay that one sounded like a real voice.

"Stark" slap "breath"

That did something.

"Okay gees I'm breathing" Tony panted as the world started coming back into focus as his friends came back into view. In front of him were the avengers team looking rather conserned. "fuck" he stuttered out as he ran a hand though his hair.

"I know it's the wrong time, but that's $10 in the swear jar" The glare Steve got clearly stated that it was the wrong time.

Hundreds of thoughts ran though Tony's head as the gears in his brain started to turn. The kid was a genius. There was a clear resemblance between himself and Peter. And he was funny and they just naturally got along.

Was it wrong to want his smarty to be his kid?

Was it wrong that Tony knew that if smarty wasn't his kid then the disappointment would way down his heart?

Was it so wrong to already want to know his son?

While Tony was having his fatherly crisis Peter was having a little crisis of his own.

"Your spider man!" May shouted as she looked at her nephew stood on the ceiling in full costume.

Despite the situation Peter tried to deny it. "no I'm not"

"Your stood on the ceiling"

"I don't know what your talking about"

"In your spider suit"

"These are PJ's"



There is one thing you should know dear reader. No matter how many bad guys a villains he fights, nothing will ever scare Peter like a real aunt may glare. All it took was that look for him to crack and tell May everything. All the way down to when he ripped the hight Tec suit he made with Ned and had to use actual PJ's. And of course the subsequent disaster he had when fighting the vulture because of it.

He bared his soul to his aunt and he had never felt better. He didn't realise how much keeping all of the trauma and pain he had experienced would hurt him. He didn't realise that talking in a no judgemental place would really help his mental health.

Of course, it wasn't fixed. The pain he experienced wasn't gone. There was still a long way to go before he would be alright but it was comforting to know he had his aunt on the journey with him.

(If you haven't gotten the hint to talk to people and look after your self by now let me scream it: LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!!!)

"I know," may said after Peter had finished talking and had calmed down "why don't you message Ned and that nice girl MJ and I'll pay for a nice meal out. Your choice"

The Meme Team


What's wrong

How do u know something wrong???

To many ys
Something's wrong

Guy in the chair🧑‍💻
She's right dude 
Something's wrong

May knows now
I kinda told her everything

Are you okay

Guy in the chair 🧑‍💻
Are u alright!!!!!!!!!!!

It went well
I can still be spider man but there are just a couple rules so I stay safer
Doyouguysmaybewannacometothetaiplaceitookyoutolastweek 🥺👉👈

Guy in the chair 🧑‍💻
Dude you know I struggle to read when you do it like that

It says "do you guys maybe wanna come to the tai place I took you to last weekend" loser


Guy in the chair 🧑‍💻


Guy in the chair 🧑‍💻
😞I'm busy 😭😭

I can come
If you want?

I mean sure
I mean only if you want to

Calm down loser
I'd love to

Great 👍

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