Chapter 4: Afraid (Lillian)

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It's probably for my own sake, but Sky's always refused to admit fear to me. However, I know that, except for saying my mother's name, his biggest fear is losing me. He thinks if I had more immediate family, I'd go with them. Sometimes, in a way, I feel like Sky wants to keep me to himself, but I understand. I need him, too. And Lord knows what that boy would do without me!

"I'd never go with him," I repeated.

Sky nodded and sat on his new bed. I'd seen TV before, mostly when I snuck into department stores to steal, and I'd seen mattress commercials. Our new beds didn't come close to those, but not sleeping on the ground? I felt like a princess. "So where's the guitar?" I asked.

Sky huffed. "You want me to sing? Now?"

"Yes, now. You need it."

"No, Lil, you need it. You wouldn't ask if you didn't want to hear my voice. To watch me struggle with the most terrible piece of junk I own," Sky complained.

"Please, Uncle?" I begged. Sky groaned and buried his face into his newfound treasure of a pillow. I only called him 'uncle' when I was really serious. I knew how much it got on his nerves.

"Fine, but only one song."




"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," Sky huffed. He pulled out my father's guitar and started tightening the strings. He turned on our favorite radio station, listened to the song for a few measures, and then started to play along. But he didn't sing.

"Did they really get to you that much?" I joked. Sky didn't answer. That means they did. "You know, they're probably just jealous they weren't raised by the most awesome uncle ever."

Sky stopped strumming. "I know what you're doing," he said.

"It works, doesn't it?" I smirked. Sky laughed bitterly and started singing.

I sang, too. Sky always said he needed Dad's guitar like he needed another limp, but he also said he wouldn't sell it if we were starving, which we often were, so... I don't know. He hated it, but he needed it. He probably didn't want to admit he needed these students' approval, too. Sky needed to be loved again, by more people than just me.

"Sky! Sky, do you think they have strawberry pancakes for breakfast here?" I squealed.

"Lillian, everyone at this school besides us is rich. Yes, they have fresh fruit," Sky snickered.

"And will Grey be at breakfast?" I wondered.

"He's a student here. Yes." Sky looked at me like I was stupid. I was not, but Sky needed to do something other than mope for a change. "But I truly believe we're gonna be hated on again."

"I truly believe you'll kick their butts in combat class, so it doesn't matter."

"Hey, guys! Come sit with us!" Grey called. Perfect! Sky was going to socialize or so help me I'd...

"Whatever," Sky moaned, but he brightened up a little. This Grey was the most accepting kid I'd ever met, and Sky was going to be friends with him or I'd tell that Tempest kid about the time my charming uncle pretended he and I were at a food pantry separately, so we'd get more food.

Speaking of Tempest... "So, uh, sorry about my sister yesterday," Grey said. "Everyone here obviously hates the Shadow, but, well, you're not the Shadow, are ya?" The Shadow is Dad. I mean, of all the evil names... my guess is he never really had a flair for the dramatics.

Sky glared. Of all the things Grey could mention... "Who's your sister, again?"

"Obviously that girl who had a thing for you," I teased.

"Ha ha, nope. Sorry, Sky. Tempest has been crushing on an old neighbor of ours for at least seven years," Grey chuckled.

"Ok, I'm lost here. Are we talking about the jerk who had the nerve to assume Lillian literally was her father?" Sky grunted.

"I'm so glad to see you fraternizing with the enemy, big brother," Tempest grumbled. The storm has arrived.

"Welp, I'm out," Sky farewelled.

"Wait, don't forget the other one!" Tempest called.

Maybe Sky was right. Tempest is not a nice person. "In terms of brains, good looks, or even decent common sense, I'm at least a two," I snorted, following Sky the heck out of there.

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