Chapter 16: Biased (Lillian)

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"Sky, you were amazing!" I squealed literally the second my uncle finished singing. He could totally hear me. Grey, Tempest, and I were the only ones clapping. When I noticed that, I got mad. It looked like I'd be doing an act for the show after all. I ran up to the stage and grabbed the mic from Sky. Grey and Tempest stopped clapping. Sky gave me a what-the-heck-do-you-think-you're-doing look.

"Excuse me!" I called into the microphone. "I have something to say!" I took a breath. "I know I'm not supposed to be in the talent show. I'm not on the list. But this is important. This needs to be said." I took a breath. "WHAT THE HECK, GUYS?! My uncle just presented his heart in song form on this stage, and you don't even give a pity clap because... because you're biased? Is that what this is? You don't like Sky, so you refuse to give him credit when he creates something amazing. It was an amazing song. I think everyone realizes that. Was it Sky's speech? Did that make you mad? Did being told we should all change for the better upset you? Well, I'm sorry, but he's right. People suck. And that's not going to change if we refuse to even admit when we're wrong. So I'm going to change first. I'm going to applaud the art that was that song, and if I'm the only one, so be it. I've done what I can, and whether you're going to be perfect or terrible is up to you."

There was complete silence. Then I turned to Sky and started clapping. Grey stood up, climbed onto the stage, and joined in. Tempest cheered from backstage, and came on and joined the applause. We clapped until our hands ached, until we had to stop.

But the clapping didn't stop. Someone I didn't know stood up and started clapping. Someone I didn't know. And then the person next to her. And the person next to him. They stood up and started clapping.

I wish I could say it was one of those sappy, beautiful moments where I received a standing ovation and everyone was actually a decent human being inside and then we all got ice cream, but I'd be lying. Those three were the only ones to listen to me. But they, Tempest, Grey, Sky, and I screamed. We screamed and we cheered and we clapped, and somewhere along the way we were stomping. We cheered, the seven of us, until that first girl passed out. It was better than a standing ovation. It was real.

Lord Grantham was the one to ruin the moment. He waltzed right over to us and demanded I hand over the mic. "I have to announce the next performer," he explained.

"Oh, of course," I agreed. I held up the mic. "And now a word from our esteemed headmaster, rebuker of all amazing uncles, master of ignoring problems, and king of made-up talent show rules: Lord Biased!!!"

"That's enough!" someone from the crowd yelled. "I'm sorry the man doesn't like your dad, and I'm really sorry you love walking all over tradition, but if you come after Lord Grantham personally, I'm gonna have to call your bluff."

There are two sides to every story. I've heard that saying before. Everyone has. But when it comes to truth, there's true and there's untrue. One side of the story is wrong. You should always wait to hear both sides, but you can only stand for one. And I chose to stand for the right one.

"Respect hasn't done anything," I told the kid. "I tried to respect the people of this school, and nothing changed. We tried doing it my way, now it's time to do it Sky's way. He was right about people like you. Like all of you. Except the ones who clapped. Sky, you aren't always right."

Grantham snatched the mic from me and announced the next performer with as many praises as he could think of. "As soon as this show is over, pack your things," he hissed to me and Sky. "You are no longer students at this school."

I shrugged, looked right back at him. "Thank God."

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