Chapter 18: I Own A Katana (Lillian)

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It wasn't like I was telepathic. It's just that my father was the only person who would show up just to creep people out. Maybe he had more dramatic flair than I thought.

"You don't have to pretend to care, you know," I pointed out. "It's not like you cared for the first thirteen years of my life."

"Wrong!" my father snapped. "Of course I cared! Didn't Sky ever tell you I tried to claim you? I have every right. I'm your closest living relative, after all."

"Leave her alone, Eli!" Sky demanded once again. Grey and a few others drew their weapons.

"I'm not here to attack!" Dad insisted, putting his hands up. "I'm here to give my daughter a choice. Lillian, do you want to come with me?" Sky froze. His greatest fear. It was right here. His greatest fear was that I'd make the wrong choice.

Except, why would I do that? "No," I said. "No, I do not want to leave a place containing these precious few who love me just because you and I have a greater amount of common DNA. Oh, and also, screw you."

Eli's eyes went dark. Angry. "All of this," he hissed. "All of this was for you, flower. The courts wouldn't see reason, so I got upset. That's the only reason I'd ever do something this... violent. It was all for you."

"Violent, as in, burning a house down, or violent, as in, becoming a mass murderer?" Sky deadpanned. "Also, she's not your flower." Tempest gave Sky a pointed, now-is-not-the-time-to-be-overprotective-since-it-clearly-didn't-prevent-the-danger look.

"Violent as in, I'm going to start murdering students in a minute here if you two don't come to a conclusion that is to my liking." Can anyone see the resemblance between me and my parental unit here? No? Didn't think so.

Eli stared at the gate-blocking wall of students for just a moment before Grey shot. The bullet boomeranged around Eli's head and circled back straight into Tempest's side. Unrealistic? It's supposed to be; my father knew magic. "Tempest!" Grey screamed, rushing to his sister's side.

"Eli, what did you do?!" Sky shrieked.

"You mean what did he do? He shot. It's that simple. I acted completely in self-defense. Hurting people is wrong, you know," this man, this terrible man, my father the evil sorcerer cackled. There's a reason I don't want to know what's in my DNA.

"You can't do that, Eli!" Sky was on the verge of tears. "You can't hurt innocent people because you're pissed at me! You can't hurt Tempest because you're in the mood to hurt me!" I never thought about it like that. If my father wanted custody of me, of course he would be mad at the person who actually got to raise me.

"But it seems to hurt you just as much," Eli chuckled. As he continued speaking to Sky, I started tiptoeing around him. "I'm honestly surprised you made any friends at all, Sky. If there's one thing you retained from our time together, it's that you're terrible with people. It sort of made me happy, knowing we had that in common."

"Let's make one thing clear: I. Don't. Want. To have. Anything. In common. With you."

My dad probably would've come up with a witty response for that (hey, we do have something in common, then!), except that was the moment I thocked him in the head with the broadside of my weapon.

"What the heck?!" he screeched. Dang it. The goal was to knock him out.

Sky was doubled over laughing. "I own a katana," I announced proudly.

"Well, good for you," Dad muttered, before vanishing into the night.

"See?" Tempest moaned from the ground. "We do need people like them." Grantham nodded reluctantly.

"And you need ice," Sky added. "Or maybe, like, a doctor."

"I say we all need donuts," Grey suggested.

"I say this is a deja vu," I giggled, as we returned to our school.

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