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Jameela's POV

Isis just came out of the bathroom and got into her bed. It's weird for even her to be this quiet, so I really don't know how to feel about the situation between Isis and I. I really thought she was interested in those two boys, but when we kissed I felt all typed of butterflies and fuzzy wuzzies in my tum tum. She makes me so blushy and stuff.

We've never spoken about sexualities and stuff, so I'm not even sure if she's comfortable with what happened between us. I have no choice but to talk to her about it. But, obviously not in front of Amy or Sarah. And I won't sneak into her bed again. I'll be tempted to do more than just kiss her XD.

"Isis, take a walk with me?" I say from my bed. She groans. "Please?" I ask in a baby voice.
She groans again. "Fiineeee" she says. I put on some slides and a jacket and give her one of my jackets to wear as we go take a kind of illegal walk on the school field. The moonlight and field lights are making everything look so beautiful. It looks as if this is a performance between Isis and I.

"About what happened this morning, I-I'm sorry" Isis started. I was actually a little surprised that she spoke first.
"No, there's no reason to apologize. I just wanna talk about it... There are a few things I don't understand about what happened" there was a short silence between us "Like... Are you lesbian, or bi? And... Do you like me?" I asked.

Isis took a deep breath.

Isis' POV

I took a deep breath trying to formulate an answer to what Jams was asking me. "Jameela, I... to be honest, I'm not sure of my sexuality, but I really, really enjoyed our kiss. It made me feel things I've never felt before and I'm not sure what would have transpired had Sarah not stopped us" I said truthfully. My words even surprised me.

This whole situation defied my comprehension. Here I am, confessing that a female made me feel ways I thought only a male could.

"I enjoyed the kiss too, Isis. So, don't apologize" Jameela pulled me by the sleeves of her jacket that I was wearing. It wasn't winter yet, but it was kinda chilly outside.

It's only then that I noticed that the fields around us gave this moment a beautiful atmosphere. I wrapped my arms around her and she rubbed my back. I nuzzled my head into the crook of her neck. We stayed like that for about a minute, inhaling each other's scents before she pulled me up by my hair, grabbed my face, and smashed her lips into mine yet again.

This time however, I took no time in responding to the kiss. I lead her arms to my waist and then put mine around her neck, massaging her hair as we kissed. I felt myself get wet down there and wondered if she felt the same. I noticed that she'd squeeze my ass every time I massaged a certain spot. I'd keep this in my memory, for later. Wink wink. I deepened the kiss this, swiping my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entry. She granted me this and our tongues fought for dominance. She distracted me by slipping her hand underneath my shirt and playing with my left titty. I let out a little whimper and just like that, her tongue won.

I wanted to touch her too. So I removed her hand from my boob and put my hand under her shirt. The feeling of her boob in my hand turned me on even more, I massaged it, occasionally pinching her nipple earning me moans in response.

Our makeout session ended with us both out of breath.

"So does this mean we're like... a thing?" Jameela asked with a devilish smile. I lightly elbowed her.
"Yeah, okay whatever" I said, playfully rolling my eyes.

We walked back to the dorm, hand in hand, all smiles. We entered quietly because Amy and Sarah were asleep by now. Jameela slept in my bed again, except tonight, I was the one who spooned her from behind, one of her boobs in my hand.

"Goodnight Isis" she whispered
"Goodnight Jams" I said and then kissed her hair.

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