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Hyunjin's POV

Life has honestly been everything after Isis agreed to be our girlfriend. I would really love to say the worst is over, but Aurelia has stopped making moves on Jams and is now trying to make moves on Chenle and I.

Yes, Chenle and I do have a past with her but that's where we'd like to keep it. I don't understand what her problem is, but I'd like to get rid of her without involving my girlfriends. More specifically Jameela because Jameela's gonna hit someone. But also Isis because she is gonna cry and my heart doesn't have the capacity to see that again.

I stare at my boyfriend who fell asleep on the floor. I don't know how this guy gets it right to be honest. He's dysfunctional.

I pick him up bridal style, lay him on his bed and tuck him in, kissing his forehead before getting in with him.
We hardly ever sleep in separate beds.

Tomorrow is Friday and the last day of school. Isis' mom said she could come over to Chenle's house for the holiday, so we're really excited. Isis has a really cool mom.

I have a big smile on my face as I fall asleep.

Jameela's POV

I wake up and do a big yawn before smiling. It's finally Friday, and today I'll get to sleep next to my partners. All of them. Aren't you excited for me?

I get into my uniform and get ready for school even though I know we're not gonna do anything since it's the last day.

I leave my dorm really early so I can surprise Isis by waiting outside her door, but on the way I'm stopped by that prick Xiaojun.

I hold grudges.

"Uh...hey." he says.
"What do you want?" I fold my arms
"Do you know where Aurelia is?" He asks.
"She was at the dorm when I left, wh-" he leaves before I even finish my sentence. Whateva.

I continue my voyage to my girlfriends dorm and wait outside.
When she opens the door, I immediately engulf her in a happy embrace.

Boob to boob hugs=the best.

The moment we let go of each other I kiss her, not caring who sees us. She gets lost in the kiss too and does that thing to my hair which makes me bite her lip. I eventually end up kissing her against the corridor wall with my knee between her thighs.

"Get a rooooom!" Chenle yells
"Bet you wish this was you huh?" I joke.

He hooks pinkies with Hyunjin "I have him." Chenle says proudly.

And then Isis hooks Chenle's other pinkie and I hook Hyunjin's one. "And us." I respond.

We start walking around but we're not holding pinkies anymore because Isis started skipping and Hyunjin complained that she's gonna tear his finger off.

We get to the dining hall and are all smiley and happy. I sit next to Isis and Hyunjin and Chenle sit next to each other. It's like an unspoken code. It sort of convinces people at school that it's just two friendly gay couples who get along like a house on fire.

It makes school easier because we honestly have no idea what Steele's ashy ass would do if she found out about our... quadrouple? Either way, she seems to have it out for us man.

We hear an announcement over the intercom saying that there won't be any class today and that all students who teach should address their classes. That's our cue.

We all head to the gym where our students are. It's me, Amy, Sarah and Isis. Amy and Sarah get their announcements out of the way, and I tell my class that they've been doing okay, and they should try to study the small things.

Isis apologises repeatedly for going M.I.A and tells them to stretch, drink water and to practice but try to enjoy it as much as possible.

We all leave and are free to do whatever until our parents come I guess. And by whatever I mean pack laundry and other stuff.

I pack my stuff and go get Isis who takes forever to say bye to Sarah and Amy. I can tell that she wants to cry. Such a sensitive lil bean.

We head to the boy's room and open the door without warning and find the boys making out on Hyunjin's bed with Netflix playing in the background. I blame Chenle, he only suggests watching Netflix when he's horny. His hand is around Hyunjins neck and we can slightly hear Hyunjin's tiny whimpers.

I bet it's weird for Isis to see Hyunjin subbing. We're all switches here. Except for her, I guess, but I won't speculate. She covers her eyes and I clear my throat, making Chenle get off of Hyunjin. Hyunjin is all pink and blushy.

"We here to chill until Isis' mom comes to get us."

The reason Isis' mom is getting us is because Isis is the only one who doesn't have clothes and stuff at Chenle's house. Chenle's is our usual hanging spot because his mom is the coolest and his house is the biggest.

We started playing hide and seek in the dorm which was super fun because the dorm doesn't have a lot of room. The game finished because Isis fell asleep under the bed.

I play some music while reading and suddenly Isis' phone rings. Her mom's here. It takes almost an eternity to wake her up.

"ISIS YOUR MOM'S HERE!" Hyunjin screams and she wakes up.
"My mom? Where?" She wakes up all panicky.
"In the car park of our school, she's here to pick us up, can we PLEASE leave now." Chenle says. He's tired, I don't know why he didn't nap.

We head out and meet Isis' mom who just beams when she sees her daughter. All of us here know that feel.

Isis is literally a copy of her mom, although her mom is a few shades lighter than her. They both have dreads too.

"Mom, this is Jameela, Hyunjin and Chenle. They're my besties." She says. Nice save.

Hyunjin goes in for a handshake and Isis' mom just hugs him. He looks shocked at first but eventually hugs back for so long we have to tell him to let go of her. She hugs the rest of us as well.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Kingston." I say, and she says we should call her Solana.

The whole car ride, Hyunjin and I struggle to call her by her name but Chenle seems pretty comfortable. Even Isis calls her mom by her name sometimes. I kind of envy their relationship.

We end up in front of a nice cosy looking yellow house. "Home sweet home!" Ms. Kingston says.

Isis goes and packs faster than anything I've ever seen. And her mom whips up something to eat at the same speed. We eat while we wait for the Uber.

I don't want to leave, I just wanna stay here and eat all this bread and curry.

The Uber comes too soon for all our liking because Isis' mom spoke about desert which we won't be having anymore.

"But mom!" Isis says with her mouth full
"Aht aht, time to go."
"Fineeeee." Isis groans.

She's a big baby.

We say our goodbyes, and make sure we have everything before getting into the Uber. Hyunjin takes forever thanking Isis' mom for her hospitality and gives her another long hug before we could finally leave.

Hyunjin in the passenger seat, Chenle and I on the sides and Isis in the middle.
We all fall asleep.

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