Don't Let Go: Chapter One

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Don't Let Go

Chapter One

It was the summer of  '87, it was my seventeenth year. My best friend Sammi and I were sitting on the hood of her rusted red cameo smoking cigarettes with the radio belting Elvis in the background when she turned to me eyes full of curiosity.

"What's up with you and that kid, what's his name? Mitch?" she said tilting her head to the side, cigarette in mouth. I knew exactly who she was talking about. During those last couple months, Mitch Phoenix had taking an interest in me and we chatted regularly, he was your typical bad boy and I was your typical bad girl. I had developed quite a crush with him although I didn't think he felt the same way with me.

"Nothing's going on, we just hooked up a few times behind the schools parking lot." I shrugged my shoulder as if it was nothing, when in fact I was lying right through my teeth. We've never hooked up no matter how much I wish it was true.

Sammi smirked and nodded in approval, it didn't go unnoticed by the small town that I got around, not sexually but I had my fair share of make out sessions with various boys. I leaned back against the cool glass of the rusty car taking in the view. From where we were sitting we could see the whole town which is why it made it our signature meeting place for us. I lived in a faraway town in Minnesota and Sammi and I have known each other since we were in diapers. She usually stayed at my place sometimes for weeks at a time because her mum was always out of town trying to find work. We've hadn't seen her mum in over two months and neither of them have bothered to call each other. Her dad was another story once he found out her mum was pregnant with Sammi he left them with nothing but the house they live in now and an empty bank account.

I flicked my cigarette on the ground and hoped off the car slipping on my aviator sunglasses and put the lighter in the front pocket of my light blue jeans. My attire always consisted of denim jackets, jeans combat boots and aviator glasses, you rarely saw me without a cigarette in my mouth or without Sammi. Today was no different to any other day; the only thing that had changed was that I didn't have school the next day because a summer of fun and sun was just about to start.

Sammi hoped off the car as soon as I did, I stared at her as she dropped her cigarette and stepped on it with her cowboy boots. Her clothing wasn't much different but instead she wore cut off shorts and a denim button up shirt tucked in them with the first three buttons undone showing off some cleavage. Her hair was long and curly and reached just above the small of her back and was blonde, today she plaided it and left it hanging on her shoulder.

"Come on then, let's have some fun." I winked at her while she laughed and we got in to her cameo. The drive wasn't long to the bar, we pushed open the car doors of the bar and everyone turned their heads to see who came in. 

We walked up greeting the people with hugs and pecks on the cheek as we past them. Everyone knew everyone's business or at least thought they knew. It sounds annoying but after living here your whole life you get used to it. 

"Hey look who's here, Rose." I turned to where Sammi was pointing and there sitting at the bar, beer in hand was Mitch looking directly at me. When he noticed that I'd caught him looking he smirked and nodded as a greeting, I smiled lightly while slipping off my glasses and putting them on my head.

"Jesus Christ, isn't he one hunk." I laughed as Sammi started checking out Mitch's best friend, non-other than Justin Hart, I talked to him a few times but it was the first time Sammi had seen him.

"Well, come on then." I said smirking as we strolled up to the guys sitting on either side of them. Sammi batted her eyelashes smiling lightly at Justin while he looked her up and down.

"Hello there, what's your name, Baby doll?" Justin said smirking at her while slipping a hand to rest on her thigh.

"Sammi, what's yours?" I breathed a laugh as she got her game on. Sammi was one to hook up too and was the biggest flirt, but unlike a few of the girls at school we had morals if the guy had a girlfriend or played with girls just for sex than we didn't associate with them and we didn't do it all the time. 

"Hey, Rose." Mitch smiled lightly, taking a swing of his beer looking at me with intensity. I nodded at him and shouted to the bartender whose name was Jo and was a close friend with my mother. He handed me a beer as soon as he saw me.

"What are you doing for summer?" I asked siipping the beer, I turned my head to look at Mitch.

"Justin and I had an idea to go on a road trip." I straightened my back at this, because if he and Justin actually went through with this idea they'd be the first in this town to travel away, other than Sammi's mother.

"Really?" I finally breathed out looking at him curiously. 

"Yeah, you and Sammi can come too. If you want?" he asked as if I would say no.  

I nodded and smirked at him. "Sure, when are we leaving?" I asked taking a sip of the beer.

"Tomorrow morning, meet us at the lake." I knew instantly where the lake was. It was just outside of town; I nodded and promised to meet them there. 

I got off the bar stool and paid for the beer while grabbing Sammi who was laughing as Justin whispered something in her ear. I dragged her out of the bar and we both said our good byes. We jumped in her cameo and told her about the plans about the road trip to which she gushed about us spending our last summer of high school with such babes. 

"You and Justin seemed to be having fun." I chuckled and turned on the radio, 'Stand by me' drowned the car while I tapped my foot to the beat singing the lyrics. 

"Yeah, he's nice." I turned my head and shook my head.

"Really, so you'd have sex with him? I wiggled my eyebrows and laughed as she playfully hit my shoulder with her hand, keeping one hand on the steering wheel. 

"What? No way." She defended herself, I breathed a laugh at how worked up she was getting about it. I thought better than to tease her further not wanting to start an unnecessary fight.

She dropped me off at my house and hugged me, promising to pick me up in the morning to meet up with the guys. I sighed walking up the gravel path that led to my house; my house was like any other. It was one storey and was painted white that was pealing in some bits with a porch, a small wooden table and chair placed on the side. 

I got out the key and hauled the front door open, I sighed and walked across the hall leading towards my room, I heard rustling from my parent's room and opened their door to say goodnight but they were already fast asleep.

I opened my bedroom door and switched on the light, my double bed was placed against the wall right underneath the window which came pretty handy when I needed to sneak out late at night. On the same wall as the window was filled with posters and on the other side of the room was a walked in closet. I opened the closet door and hanged up my jean jacket and kicked off my combat boots, slid off my jeans and shirt only in my bra and underwear. I slipped on a pair of black boxer shorts and a baggy grey jumper. I threw my packet of cigarettes and lighter in my drawer and switched off the light and drew the curtain to my window close.

I clumsily lifted the black duvet and got in closing my eyes and sleep washed over me, excited for the summer ahead of me.

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