Don't Let Go: Chapter Six

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Don't let Go

Chapter Six

I giggled twirling around in the shimmery black dress I had on. It was seven and Mitch is meeting me in the lobby. He got ready in Justin's room while Sammi stayed with me and helped me get ready. I may have borrowed a few of her jewelry's but other than that the rest of my outfit was entirely mine.

I wore a shimmery black dress that went to my knees and was opened at the back, black pumps that weren't too high and leather gloves. Sammi insisted on doing my makeup and hair though I said I could do it myself; she wasn't taking no for answer.

My hair was in ringlets and my makeup was light and natural. I had to admit I looked nice; pretty even but I couldn't get rid of the nerves in my gut. When I'm with Mitch we're usually quiet and our conversations are slightly awkward because I've never had a real boyfriend before let alone been on a date.

There you have it folks, Rose-Drew Dixon has never been on a date. Laugh all you want but in our small town there wasn't many places to go on dates. Sammi looked at me with wide eyes, gawking at me. I mentally asked myself if there was anything wrong with me. Do I look bad? Is there something wrong with my face? I thought I actually looked good! What the hell.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Do I look OK?" I asked shyly looking at the floor. I heard a squeal; I looked up quickly widening my eyes as Sammi started clapping her hand beaming at me.

Oh my god....she finally lost it.

"OK? You look fantastic." She said beaming at me. I blushed at her words not really used to people complimenting on me. Sure the boys I made out made comment like 'hot' or 'sexy' but that's all they were comments. Comments said to reel me in. "I've outdid myself." She blew on her nails and rubbed them on her light blue sweater. I rolled my eyes of course she ruined the moment.

"Bitch please, this is all me," I teased teasingly snapping my fingers. I smirked when she let out a breath and said something about me being a little ungrateful shit. I raised an eyebrow, look who's talking, she smiled sheepishly seemingly she caught on that I heard her comment.

I chucked at hugged her tightly. She was surprised at my action but hugged me back. "Thank you, for everything," I whispered in her shoulder. She smelt like her lavender shampoo. It was comforting.

She pulled back and wiped fake tears. "You're growing up," she gasped, fake sobbing against my shoulder. She suddenly grabbed my shoulders tightly and looking at me with seriousness in her eyes. I was quite stunned at her change of mood. Sammi is usually fun and joking all the time. The only time she has been serious in her life was when she told me her mum was starting to move around to find jobs and when she talked about her relationship with Justin. "Use condoms." Her lips twitched as she said this and I couldn't help but smile. I hit her arm groaning loudly. I thought it was something serious but no it was just Sammi being a goof. She laughed her face going red with her back hunched while her shoulders shook.

I need new friends...


I walked down the stairs to the lobby. I didn't want to take the elevators because I get scared, like you never know what will happen in there. I shivered at the thought of being trapped in the tight space with no food. I gasped at the thought of no food, the horror!

My breath caught in my throat at the sight in front of me.

A few metres away was Mitch in black dress pants and a deep blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his black leather jacket in hand. I glanced down at his shoes and saw he had his favourite black cowboy boots. I giggled at the sight something's never change. But I couldn't deny one thing.

He looked extremely handsome.

He grinned at me when he saw me approaching. The smile itself made butterflies erupt in my stomach and my heart skipped a beat.

"You look beautiful," he said when I stood in front of him, he was smiling broadly and I swear I went weak in the knees. How can one guy look so attractive? It should be a crime against the female race. He held out his hand, I took it gently reminding myself to act natural. I will not embarrass myself on m first date.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said still holding his hand. I remembered that I still had no idea where we were going. After he asked me, I went straight to Sammi to which she replied with 'I knew it,' please she knew nothing she was too engrossed with her current relationship, she hasn't confirmed that Justin and her were an item but it was obvious that they both liked each other.

I chuckled as he opened the door for me, bowing slightly. "What a gentleman," I stated jokingly as we walked side by side on the side walk. We decided to walk, even though I have no idea where we're walking to exactly but it was nice.

"How about we play a game," he blurted out; I looked at him surprised at his outburst. His cheeks went a light shade of pink. He looked so adorable.

I shrugged not knowing what to say. I licked my lips and nodded. "What type of game?" I asked amusement in my voice.

He cleared his throat glancing at me his cheeks still slightly pink. "I ask you a question and then you ask me a question and go on from there," he stated. I pondered at the thought of what questions he would ask. What's the harm?

"Like twenty questions?" He nodded once and turned to me slightly. We rounded the corner when I finally answered. "OK, shoot," I said nervous at what his question would be.

"Do you have any siblings?" he asked lightly, slipping on his leather jacket and tucking his hands in his jean pockets.

My breath caught in my throat, the memory of that day clear in my mind. Such a horrible day that I never want to remember I blinked once clearing my head and focusing on walking upright. "I had a sister," I stated, my voice hard.

"Had?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows and scrunching his nose if it was a different situation I would've though the action was cute.

I hummed in response. I looked at him through my eyelashes biting my lip thinking if I should tell him. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear I continued. "Had." I confirmed I glanced at him, he was giving nothing in his expression I took that as a sign to carry on. I look at the sky not meeting his gaze, "I remember it as clear as day, I snuck out of the house about five months ago. I called Melissa late at night to pick me, Sammi didn't end up going out with me so I was stuck." I chocked on a sob that was rising in my throat still not letting tears fall. "She never made it. While she was driving, a she had a head on collision with a drunk diver, neither one of them made it. My dad grew colder and resented me, blaming me and my wild behaviour."

Mitch looked at me intensely, I willed him to say something, anything. He grabbed on my hand tugging my body to him. I gasped slightly at his action, he hugged me closely. I hesitated before wrapping my arms around his toned waist. He brushed his lips on my forehead.

I pulled back and looked at him. "Come on, let's go on that date." I laughing softly trying to lift the mood, he analysed my face before nodding his head. I blinked at him as he let me go walking ahead of me.

He turned around and said while laughing at my confused expression. "Well? Come on," he said holding at his hand to me; I smiled and ran up to him.

This is going to be on hell of a date.

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