Don't Let Go: Chapter Eleven

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Don't Let Go

Chapter Eleven

This was it; I knew I had to come back just not so soon. I was hoping this was all a dream; or a nightmare even and I would wake up back a home. My sister wouldn’t be dead and my parents were the normal caring not the total opposite. But I knew this was real, though I wish it wasn’t

I took a deep breathe just for good measure before I knocked on the apartment door since I forgot to get my keys. The door was opened in an instant; Sammi’s distraught face came into vision. She quickly pulled my hand and shut the door.

“Where hav-you got a piercing” she hissed her hand on her hips looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah” I said simply smirking slightly as I inspected my nails. She let out a frustrated breathe before lying down on the couch.

“I was worried I thought you left me” I heard her whisper looking up at me.

My eyes softened at this. I didn’t mean to worry her neither did I think she would. “I’m sorry, after what went down last night I needed a quiet day” I explained before lift up her feet and placing them on my lap before I plonked on the couch as well.

“It’s OK” she smiled reassuringly at me. I turned on the television and we watched quietly for a few minutes.

“How is he?” I asked twiddling my fingers not looking down at my lap.

“Do you want the truth?” she asked, I nodded looking up at her trying to keep my face emotionless.

“When I saw him with Justin he seemed fine, better than I thought actually. I wouldn’t imagined him broken down but he acted as though nothing happened” to say I was shocked was an understatement to say the least. While I was dying inside he was a happy chappie.

Could it be that he was playing me from the start. Was he using me as a summer fling? No he wouldn’t do that, would he? The more I thought about it the more it made sense.

I will not be played like I was some whore. I will show him I’m fine without him, I am going to act as if nothing happened between us. I was going to act totally 100% me, or as me as I could.

“What do you want for dinner?” I asked trying to change the subject as quickly I could.

Sammi being the awesome person she is quickly caught on to what I was doing. “Anything, do you want to eat out?” she said sitting up crossing her legs.

I grinned “Of course, only if you’re buying” I added quickly.

She winked at me and nodded. “OK, only seems fair since you paid last time.”

“Well? Get dressed hoe” she laughed and skipped to her room. I giggled and leaned my back against the couch. I walked to my room and opened the door; I applied some black eyeliner on my bottom lash line and some mascara. I grabbed some perfume and spritzed it on; I tied my hair in a messy bun at the top of my head some strands falling against my face.

I walked out of my room just as Sammi, she looked good as usual. Her blonde hair in pig tails, dark blue jeans and a white tank top and her brown cowboy boots. Her cigarette hanging out of her glossed lips. “You look nice” I complimented as we locked the apartment door.

“I know” she replied cheekily.

We skipped, that’s right mother fuckers we’re too cool for just plain walking we do everything in freakin’ style to the diner we went to before. I choose the booth at the back of the diner for privacy.

I leaned across the table trying to look casual, “So are you and Justin dating?” I asked picking up the menu even though I knew what I wanted.

Her eyes widened her eyes glancing from my face to the table, “Why would you say that?” she choked out taking a puff of her cigarette looking down at her own menu.

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