0: Prologue

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Ever since I was in primary school, I was always the second best. The second option when the actual best was not around. The brilliant person who was not brilliant enough to be at the top. This notion had been engraved to me growing up and honestly, I was slowly getting used to it. Who would not if it was always being shoved to my face? Though, there were times when I could not help myself to curse the universe for the fate it bestowed upon me. Even though I tried to work harder than anyone else, to burn my eyebrows everyday, I would never see the view from the top. Simply because the thick wall standing right in front of me was something impenetrable. So, I had long accepted the fact that I, Yoo Jimin, would never be the best.

          "You ready for the quiz bee later, Yooji?" my best friend—Aeri asked while turning the pages of the book that she was currently reading. We were currently in one of the gazebos scattered about the school grounds, whiling the time away before our next subject.

          "I am so not looking forward to it." I rolled my eyes, sighing as I rested my chin upon my right palm. "She will be participating as well, you know?"

          "That's a no-brainer." Aeri shrugged. "She is our school's prized possession, after all. The ace."

          "You don't have to remind me. I am very well aware and I hate her so much for that. She does not even study, but she somehow always excels everything. That girl is an anomaly, I am telling you," I spat out in pure disdain.

          "Why do you hate her so much?" Aeri gave me a curious look. "It is not like she's doing anything wrong to you."

          "I just do. A reason is not necessary. I hate her whole existence, that's all." That was a lie. I wouldn't admit it to anybody else, but it was because she was the person who made me realize that I was only ordinary. That I was nothing special, that I was only there to take on the role of being beneath her. That inspite of my countless efforts, it would not amount to anything. The actual best, the one who was always at the top—Kim Minjeong, the person who was favored by the universe.

          People may found me petty for hating on her for a reason she was not in control of, but I couldn't care less. I hate the girl with all that I had and it would stay that way even if the world caved in.

          "I heard Ryujin will be there too." At the mention of the name, my face brightened up. "She will be cheering Minjeong on."

          Oh. Right. They were sisters. I often forget since the two were so different from each other. Ryujin was a sweetheart; she was always helping people in need of academic advices and she had the student body fawning over her because of how kind she was. She was dedicated and righteous. I was not blind to the girl's reputation, as I had been crushing on her all my life.

          Minjeong however, was the spawn of the devil. She was cunning; who would do everything to get what she wanted. Even if that meant she would be trampling on other people's feelings in the process—her methods were always the end justifies the means. This was one of the reasons why I hate her.

          "If she will be there, then forget what I said earlier. I am so looking forward to it now." My grin was wide, eyes were gleaming. Forget Minjeong, the love of my life would be watching and that was enough to put me in high spirits.

          Aeri could only shook her head at my statement. "You are so hopeless."

          The time for the quiz bee came sooner much to my delight. I was excused for the rest of the day and since Aeri still had to attend her classes, I went to the school's auditorium alone. Not that I was complaining, but seeing a familiar face among the audience was always pleasing. Now, I had to do this without anyone supporting me.

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