26: Fucking Hell

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If I only knew that would be the last time that we would talk to each other, I wouldn't have allowed it to turn out the way it did.

I should have spoken more.

I should have opened up.

I should have told her my worries.

For the next couple of days, she continued pretending as if I was just an invisible entity who was roaming around the campus. Not even once had she spared me a glance.

She didn't only give up on me.

She likely hates me as well.

I couldn't even be mad about it.

Because if I were in her shoes, I would definitely hate myself as well.

The need to talk to her again was immense.

But the universe was never in my favor.

I couldn't find an opportunity to be alone with her.

There seemed to be always a nuisance.

Whenever our paths would cross, it was either she was with the council members conversing about council affairs or with a random fling entangled with her like a leech.

It was so frustrating.

Everything was against me.

There was this one time a chance was handed to me on a silver platter by none other than Yizhuo Ning.

The secretary probably sensed that Winter and I weren't on good terms that was why she took matters into her own hands and messaged me about the vice president's whereabouts: The office of the Student Council.

Thank god for Yizhuo Ning.

"Winter." I walked up to the swivel chair she was seated on while reading some documents on the table. "Can we talk?"

She lifted her head, eyebrows furrowed in apparent confusion while looking around the room. "There must be a phantom in here. Or it's probably just my imagination."

I had to remind myself that I came here to make amends and not to add fuel to the fire because I almost rolled my eyes at the behavior she had just shown.

God, why does she have to be so childish?

I was about to speak again; sternly this time only to be interrupted by the arrival of the other council members, leaving me with no other choice but to let her go.

After that fruitless encounter, I had gotten real preoccupied with the music club since there were only a few days left before our performance in the school festival that I hardly had time to worry about anything else.

God, we had really come a long way.

I was now the one who was chasing after her.

The tables had indeed turned.

Or maybe that was her way of showing that she no longer have time for me.

I let out a deep sigh as I reclined on my seat.

It was already lunch break and our usual table in the cafeteria seemed to be rowdier than it normally was.

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