09: Conflicting Thoughts

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          I chewed on my lower lip, eyes unconsciously studying Minjeong skillfully spin her pen with her long, slender fingers, brows furrowed, a serious expression on her face, her mouth was slightly moving as she soundlessly read through my notes from one of my classes.

          Something was different about her.

          I mean, she was still the same Minjeong.

          Lazy dark eyes glistening with mischief.

          Same infamous sexy smirk—wait, did I just say sexy?

          Scratch that.

          Same infamous smirk, same ability to annoy me with anything she does, and her obvious amusement over it, but something was different.

          Maybe because for the first time, she was showing me a side of her that people, including myself, didn’t know. Seeing her appear student-like for once was kind of weird in a way that had me thinking if she was turning over a new leaf.

          But that was reaching, wasn’t it?

          I don’t think that’s even in her vocabulary.

          “Like the view, babe?”

          I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

          Despite having the devil with me for more than a week now, her out-of-the-blue flirty remarks still wouldn’t fail to raise my blood pressure.

          “What view are you talking about?”

          We had been in a secluded part of the school’s library for about an hour now and my butt was suffering dramatically. The chair that I was sitting on was becoming more and more like a rock as more minutes go by.

          I cast an eye over her again.

          I don’t know what to feel about this.

          She wasn’t going through my notes because she wanted to stuff more knowledge inside her head, but because she insisted on helping me with my project in Math despite my initial strong refusal.

          Apparently, the bags under my eyes had gotten bigger and darker over the night and according to her, she didn’t like the idea of me overworking myself so she offered to do at least one of my requirements.

          Of course, I opposed it at first since the last thing that I wanted to happen was to owe her a favor. However, the desire to relax even just for a little while triumphed over my towering pride.

          “Is this all the notes that you have?” She briefly looked up to me while flipping the pages.

          “More or less.” Some actually were in my phone, but I don’t think she’d be needing it for the project.

          “Then we can leave now.”


          “You have finished already?”

          “It’s just Math.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “There’s nothing to study that much.”

          I scoffed.

          The arrogance that this girl had was over the roof.


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