17: Attracted

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               There was nothing more enrapturing than when the person you’d been crushing on for so long had finally shown interest in you.

               This was what I found out after the surreal events that happened yesterday. Throughout the ride on the way to my house, it seemed as if I was floating on air. I remember Ryujin talking to me about something that may or may not be of importance but I was too busy replaying the unexpected kiss in my mind on loop to pay attention. There was a tinge of guilt eating me away for basically ignoring her so I had decided I would apologize to her if given a chance.

               But first and foremost, wow.

               Yesterday really happened.

               It wasn’t just a product of my imagination.

               I really went on a date with Ryujin.

               And she even kissed me.

               If only I could preserve the feeling of her lips on my skin, I would.

               That was just amazing.

               After years of admiring her from afar, I think my affection was finally being reciprocated in a way. She wouldn’t have done what she did if she was just being friendly.

               Ryujin wasn’t that kind of person.

               I wasn’t just saying this because I liked her.

               The fact that she hadn’t dated anyone in all the years that I’d known her said a lot about her character.

               One would even assume she was asexual.

               However, she asked me out on a date.

               That only meant one thing.

               She was interested in me.

               At least, that was what I think.

               I wanted to share the good news with Aeri as soon as possible, hence, I went to school at the time I knew she would be arriving which was an hour before our first subject.

               True enough, I saw her unlocking the door of our classroom with a key she likely borrowed from one of the staff in the faculty.

               “Good morning, Aeri,” I greeted zealously, causing her to flinch visibly. She probably wasn’t expecting anyone at this hour.

               She snapped her head in my direction, relief washing over her face when recognized me.

               “Don’t scare me like that!” She pushed the door open; then turned the lights on. “I thought you were a ghost!”

               “That’s the result of your regular intake of caffeine,” I said.

               “Excuse me, I don’t drink coffee that often.”

               “You’re not fooling anyone here, Ri.”

               She made a face. “Why are you here so early, anyway?”

               My eyes followed her as she took long strides toward her table, hung her backpack on the hook on the side carefully before settling herself on her chair.

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