03: Girlfriends

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          Minjeong was deceitful.

          That was one of her characteristics that was infamous among the student body. Nobody would dare approach her, let alone befriend her because of her foul reputation. Sure, she was a prodigious student, the one who had been bringing honor to Seoul High, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she was not a dangerous person to get involved with because she was.

          Aside from some women who only wanted to get in her pants, or flaunt her around like a damn trophy, she had no one and I doubt she even cared.

          So, it was only rational that I assume she was only fucking around with her proposal, right? That it was only one of her thousands of underhanded methods to get what she wanted, right?

          “How dare you use Ryujin’s name on me,” I snapped, venom lacing my voice. “How low can you get, huh?”

          She cocked a brow. “I’m not using her name on you.”

          And she even had the face to deny her obvious agenda...?

          “Then what are you doing?”

          “I’m giving you a chance, Jimin.” She looked at me dead in the eye, unbothered by my insult. “You only need to date me for a month. Just a month. After that, I promise, I will help you with Ryujin.”

          I narrowed my eyes to slits, “And what makes you think I need your help?”

          “Please, it’s pretty obvious you don’t know how to make a move on a girl. If you do, we wouldn’t be talking about this matter right now. Besides, you know I am the only one who can help you.”

          I avoided her gaze, cursing under my breath. She just had to hit the bullseye.

          As much as I don’t want to admit it out loud, I don’t know a thing about romance or how it works since all the knowledge that I had went to academics and music.


          It’s annoying that she knew her way to get what she wanted.

          “Why should I believe you?”

          “Between us, you are the one who is going to benefit more from this deal. All I am asking is for you to date me.” She pulled her lips in a sly smirk.

          A chill ran down my spine.

          That smirk...

          Something about it was telling me that I shouldn’t believe any of her words, that this was the devil talking.

          I was not sure how, but I could feel that she had the upper hand in this offer. This was Minjeong Kim, after all. She was a person full of trickery. Someone who shouldn’t be trusted.

          I would be lying though if I said it didn’t pique my interest.


          Let’s humor her for a bit.

          “Let’s say, for conversation’s sake, I accepted your offer,” I stared at her face, eyes squinting in scrutiny. “How are you going to help me with Ryujin?”

          Suddenly, she moved closer to me, too close for my comfort that I had to step back to avoid the same situation earlier from happening again.

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