05: First Date

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          We had been driving for almost an hour now and this person next to me wasn’t showing any signs of stopping soon. She was so focused with her left arm propped on the window while the other was on the steering wheel, not even sparing me a single glance, not even acknowledging my presence.

          I supposed it was a good thing since no one would recognize us if she brought me to a place miles away from our school, but being a little suspicious especially since this was the devil incarnate wouldn't be considered unreasonable, right?

          “Where are we going?” I decided to ask, breaking the silence.


          I frowned when her attention remained on the road ahead.

          “Where is that someplace?”

          She probably noticed the slight annoyance in my tone because, for the first time, she took a glance my way as if to check up on me before returning her gaze in front.

          There was now a satisfied grin dangling on her lips for some reason.

          “Are you sulking?”

          My forehead creased at the question.

          “What are you talking about?”

          “You are sulking.”

          I huffed.

          “And why would I sulk?!”

          There was a brief thoughtful expression on her face, then she smirked. “Because I haven’t been giving you attention for a while now?”

          A scandalized look plastered itself on my face.

          Because she what?!

          “Get off your high horse, Kim Minjeong.” I scoffed. “I do not care about you.”

          She merely laughed my remark off, irking me somehow. That was not the response that I was expecting.

          This girl found my antagonistic behavior towards her funny...

          What a weirdo.

          We both went back to mind our own businesses after that short exchange, letting the silence engulf us once again.

          I scrolled through my sns account to see if there was something interesting going on. Unfortunately, it was all just the same old shit I had long already lost interest in.

          “Are you hungry?” Minjeong suddenly asked, the word hungry triggering the tumultuous rumbling in my stomach, making itself heard inside the small moving contraption.

          I cleared my throat, looking out the window to hide my reddening face.


          There goes my reputation.

          In my defense, the last meal that I had consumed was the egg pie that I bought during our lunch break. Clearly, that was not enough to last me until dinner.

          “I guess you are.” She let out an amused chuckle. “Well, let’s go eat then.”

          She maneuvered the car with ease, pulling over the drive-thru lane of the first fast-food restaurant that we spotted.

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